Really irritating that the article still hasn’t been updated with it.
As someone who grew up in Leesburg, Georgia, cosigned.
As soon as I have some extra cash (money is tiiight right now), it’s one of the first things about my new home I’m changing.
As soon as I have some extra cash (money is tiiight right now), it’s one of the first things about my new home I’m…
Yeah, in school or out, I don’t think I’ve known a single woman who went method. I also honestly can’t think of any celebs who do, either.
Googling just found me this article that’s super interesting. Hilary Swank and Reese Witherspoon have apparently used the technique, they’re just not giant dicks who use it as an…
Oh, man, that sounds familiar. One semester my school did a show where one dude had to play a coke addict, so to go all method on it without using illegal drugs, he decided to basically drink nothing but five-hour energy shots for weeks. Super healthy decision, super mediocre performance, shockingly enough.
To enter to win tickets for you and a guest (three’s a crowd, remember?), follow this link and click the city of your choice.
UGH, I was given a glass cutting board from my folks when they moved, and I aggressively hate the damn thing.
UGH, I was given a glass cutting board from my folks when they moved, and I aggressively hate the damn thing.
It looks like Eric Andre and Keegan Michael Key. I’m assuming they changed the names to actually match the rest of the cast, instead of English-name-that-makes-no-sense-to-be-in-this-movie and Banzai, which... yeah.
SAME. The Lion King was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid, and I just eye-rolled when I heard this one was happening. But with this cast list? YOOOOOO I AM SO HERE FOR THIS.
Seriously. I don’t remember the last time I was surprised by an allegation like this. “Oh, a rich white famous guy was a dick? Shocking.”
MMMMMMMHM. Precisely. I don’t think I quite realized until just now, but yeah, I’ve never heard a single positive story from someone being method. It’s all “well X was a dick, but it’s because he was being method about it”.
Ding ding ding!
As I told another commentor, I went to school for theatre and have been involved in performing arts communities in one way or another ever since, and this has ALWAYS been my experience. Sorry bros, but you don’t get a pass for being an asshole because it’s “ART!!!!”.
Yeah, I had zero interest in seeing the movie, but I kept up with coverage of it because I’ve always been a Batman nerd. The more he kept talking about it, and how “edgy” (god, I hate that word, it’s bro code for “bullshit that will probably upset someone”) his performance and the movie was going to be, the more I…
I went to school for theatre and have been involved in performing arts communities ever since and can 800% confirm this.
My entire pelvic region clenched reading that.
I’ve had to deal with one of those men in real life (thankfully I wasn’t the one abused, but it would take more than two hands for me to count those he did) and you hit the nail right on the head. It makes you feel lonely, and crazy, and like maybe you are just making a big deal out of nothing.
Method acting is bullshit for people who can’t actually act.
Yup. And was a general terror to his Suicide Squad castmates for the sake of being method and edgy.