forgetful burner the third (GDI)

I’m sorry that happened to you and thank you so much for speaking out about it.

Yeah, between her parents and being fed into the Hollywood machine so young, I can’t imagine she’s had many examples of healthy relationships or boundaries.

As a fellow sober sally, congrats on your time so far! I’ve been pretty open about my sobriety, because it’s been an act of healing for me, but I can’t imagine having my messy, pre-sober self on display like this. It was humiliating enough when I let my closest friends know how fucked up I was on so many levels;

I hope it doesn’t happen, but I have a hard time imagining her ending up any way other than how Sarah Lynn did. I can’t imagine what at this point could make her realize she needs help and to actually seek it.

Retta is a goddamn GEM.

Fucking hate this logic, especially when it comes from other women. I know internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug, but goddamn, can we at least believe each other about this shit?

Fucking hate this logic, especially when it comes from other women. I know internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug, but goddamn, can we at least believe each other about this shit?

Very, very true. And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if that were the case here.

This. I’m a recovering addict as well and had a lot of sympathy for her when it came to that. And Jesus, her parents basically set her up to be fucked up for life. But at some point, there’s no more excuses; she’s had plenty of opportunity to get help that would benefit her immensely, it’s just clear she doesn’t want

And Nelly, you’re too grown.”

House centipedes HORRIFY ME. Too many legs, they move way too fast, just a whole pile of NOPE.

I generally enjoy Lore, but godddd, sometimes I get so annoyed with Aaron Mahnke’s “podcast voice” - almost everything he says has the same emphasis, and everything is made to sound So Important, it grates on my nerves. Usually the content of the podcast itself is interesting enough to keep my interest, but it’s been

THIS. I knew a guy for years who was manipulative and emotionally abusive to every single woman he became involved with. All his male friends, without exception, knew how he treated women, but ignored it or excused it because he was a good friend to guys, or because he did xyz. Fuck that shit.

I generally like Clooney a lot, but am SO goddamn tired of this line of response from men when one of their buddies is accused of sexual harassment/etc. “Oh, he was always great to me, I heard rumors, but I had no idea it was this bad, I never saw anything like that.” No shit, Sherlock, of course he didn’t behave that

Second letter: Gurl, talk to HR ASAP and start making that paper trail. Like the good Doc pointed out, document EVERYTHING: every e-mail, every shitty comment he makes, every post-it note, down to the date and time, document that shit. Just not getting along with your coworker is one thing, but this asshole’s already

I have some serious admiration for that level of shade. Yes, MA’AM.

Jeez, I can’t imagine recovering from that all at once.

I hope she’s perpetually cropdusted everywhere she goes.

He’s one of those celebrities who actually seems like he’s genuinely a wonderful person and if anything awful about him ever comes out, I may cry.

I feel like our country has such a huge problem with that as a whole: instead of prevention, let’s just keep slapping band-aids on what’s wrong and hope it will get better or go away. Healthcare, the prison system, etc.