forgetful burner the third (GDI)

Thiiiiis. And her explanation, “oh, no, guys, I learned about them and now I respect them!”? Like... really? You couldn’t respect them as human just because they were, y’know, human?

Pastor Kioko pronounced himself shocked by the whole thing, saying he’d hoped to bring the couple together for another shot at reconciliation.

Exactly. Someone else tried to tell me that maybe I should try finding self-esteem from something other than my appearance. For one, I do; but I also now take pride in how I look and care for myself, however shallow others may perceive that to be. IDGAF. For another, oh nooooo, how dare I give a shit about something

As a woman who’s spent most of her life hating how she looked and having non-existent self esteem, taking selfies is a personal (and dare I say empowering) celebration of the fact that I’m actually comfortable in my skin for the first time ever. I literally don’t care how attractive anyone else finds me, ‘cause I’d do

I’m so sorry for you and your pup. She looks so sweet.