TheDudeAbides_(version 2.0)

You forgot one of the most important tools: the torque wrench! People doing their own work on their cars should be highly encouraged to buy a torque wrench because the money they’ll save by not over tightening things will more than pay for it over time. Putting an oil drain bolt back too tightly can cause the threads

You forgot one of the most important tools: the torque wrench! People doing their own work on their cars should be

Dish washing gloves will also work in a pinch for oil changes.

Dish washing gloves will also work in a pinch for oil changes.

Am I insane? Am I the only one that sees light colored shoes and thinks “I can never wear them”? They get dirty so damn fast I always complement people wearing them if they’re clean.

Am I insane? Am I the only one that sees light colored shoes and thinks “I can never wear them”? They get dirty so

That said, one exception is Twitter. That hellhole of a website doesn’t need anyone to shine a light on its horribleness. No one needs better comprehension of the irony-poisoned drivel that gets posted there. Not today, not ever. That shit can stay in dark mode forever.

Yes and no. An Oil Future isn’t oil per se, it’s a contract specifying that you’ll buy ‘X’ bbls (55 gallon lots) of crude oil by ‘X’ date for a guaranteed price from a specific producer/distributor per barrel that the market can’t affect. By selling someone an Oil Future (even if you sell it to them for negative

Could have saved a bunch of us the wasted time and led with “Verizon exclusive”. Thanks.

I apologize, that reply wasn’t meant for your comment. It was to a comment over at this article which is being misleading about what’s going on with oil prices. It seems I managed to mix up tabs and reply to the wrong person. 

Oil futures are contractual obligations, further reducing the chances that producers are going to “cap” anything as long as they have someone on the hook to take delivery.

This article is being misleading. No one is paying people to take actual oil off their hands, they’re paying people to take their delivery contracts off their hands so they don’t have to store said oil. “Futures” is the key word everyone is ignoring. An oil future is a contract. It states you agree to take delivery of

You must live in my neighborhood...or people really are stupid across the country. Yeah, probably that.

Also Russia. They’re reportedly attributing COVID cases and deaths to the Flu and reporting them as such. 

The problem is they won’t see it as an albatross, and neither will their softheaded supporters. They’ll wear that carcass like it’s a fucking gold medal and show it off while regurgitating the same tired White House approved talking points about how bigly they ‘beat the Corona’.

I once owned a ‘78 Delta 88 Royale Holiday Coupe. It was better than any 98. It was better than any car I’d owned prior, and probably >90% of the ones I’ve owned since. It’s the one I pine over the most out of all my old cars.

Back in the ‘90s I had a 1978 Olds Delta 88 Royale Holiday Coupe. Mine was white with blue 1/4 landau roof and blue interior with power window (not a typo, Driver’s side window didn’t work so I had to drive through drive throughs in reverse and let my passenger order for us).

Sounds like his buddies are used to it as well. They don’t seem to react other than to let him casually know he’s “talking to everybody”.

The amount of melatonin in the gummy is the least of the cost of production. Marketing strategy had nothing to do with this decision, offering different dosages is because not everyone needs 10mg (and if you don’t need 10mg, you should absolutely not take 10mg).

The amount of melatonin in the gummy is the least of the cost of production. Marketing strategy had nothing to do

Probably. If 1mg is enough to get you to sleep, it’s best to stick with that dosage. I’m guessing a lot of the people buying up the Natrol Melatonin 10mg gummies from this page are probably in for a rude awakening (pun intended). And not just because overdoing it could adversely affect their ability to wake feeling

Probably. If 1mg is enough to get you to sleep, it’s best to stick with that dosage. I’m guessing a lot of the

I guess I’m weird, the clearer roads have slowed me down because there’s fewer assholes pissing me off. I can just cruise along at my preferred speed without (much) interruption. It’s been nice at the times I forget the reason behind it.

Never realized just how many “Jr’s” were among the first astronauts. 

Am I the only one endlessly amused by how far manufacturers have to go now to make a “unique” steering wheel (and rims, for that matter) for a new model?