This 100%! I just want a dumb panel that looks amazing displaying whatever content I send to it. Is that too much to ask?
This 100%! I just want a dumb panel that looks amazing displaying whatever content I send to it. Is that too much to ask?
I agree with that, but I also don’t like paying for things I don’t want or need so I’m between a rock and a hard place.
I had overlooked that, thank you. And tax value at registration in my state is calculated by the car’s value, not the sale price. So it’s even further out of reach for a destitute me.
I wasn’t being hyperbolic, I was speaking the truth. There’s no way a running and driveable GT-R would ever be sold cheap enough for a broke me to afford it, and if one ever were cheap enough I wouldn’t be able to buy it because I’d have to know why it was so cheap and someone else would snatch it up before I was able.…
If I can’t afford one of those now, what makes you think a penniless version of me could afford even a discounted one later?
No matter how broke I ever get, I wouldn’t buy a Nissan produced in the past 15 years no matter how cheap it was selling for.
He focuses on 1 aspect of the writer’s article (that he owns a Fit) and uses it to conclude that that makes Erik unsuitable for automotive journalism and then goes through his replies to tell everyone they missed his point. I’d suggest he’s a prime candidate for r/selfawarewolves, but I doubt he’ll ever see the irony…
It’s clearly not that easy since you haven’t managed it yet. All you’ve managed is to put your ignorance on display, prove that you have no reading comprehension, and also that you think crossovers aren’t wagons. Are you really that dense?
Exposing ones insecurities and ignorance, and resorting to ad hominem attacks isn’t making fun of something, it’s exposing ones insecurities and ignorance.
Were you insulted by being called out for your insecurities? I was trying to help you grow, not hurt you. Sorry about that. I admit, I might have approached it the wrong way, but in the face of such poorly executed strawman-building and target-moving, I guess I was a little frustrated and let that get to me.
YES! 4MPG MAKES AN ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE ACROSS 200,000+ VEHICLES! You’re not the only fool buying these insecurity wagons and trying to justify them with this flawed and childish logic. Aside from RAV4s, there’s millions of these stupid, unnecessarily tall vehicles with their unnecessary option of AWD that are being…
Getting heated, and/or threatening to walk away is the right response.
The Hybrid version exists.
Your false equivalence relies upon everyone buying the hybrid version of the RAV4. They don’t because it’s not the only version available which only serves to further prove my point.
You’re absolutely wrong. People will continue buying what’s available, and if 8mpg SUVs are available, morons will buy them. Crossovers prove this. They’re ubiquitous, and the AWD versions are the majority of what you see even though the majority of Americans don’t need AWD so all it does for them is waste their fuel…
Neutral: Of course I care. Not only do I not like spending a lot of wasted time at the fuel pump, I also don’t like spending a lot of my money on fuel, nor do I like the implications of what kind of world my son will inherit if I don’t care.
Ahh, now see why you think I’m the enemy. Just to clarify, no where in my original comment was I trying to argue against physical buttons, but as a realist I accept that we’re moving towards a future where most people are already starting to see them as outdated. Manufacturers jumped at that and went overboard with…
Yes, assuming the “wheels/sliders” were always in the same place no matter which menu I was in, I’d at least be able to with less attention taken away from the road than is necessary with everything being in a sub-menu and single-touch/hold buttons instead of sliders/wheels.
The chances that touchscreens will evolve far enough to be 3d adaptive with haptic feedback before all cars just go fully autonomous are slim, but I’m crossing my fingers that it happens before I’m too dead inside to care anymore.
Neutral: I just bought a new-to-me car in February. This whole COVID thing sucks, but I may just be able to refinance into a much lower rate because of it, so there’s at least that.