
Except that you totally shamed and blamed and (attempted) to destroy an innocent and peaceful man on a humongous worldwide platform; opened me personally up to vile criticism as well; and hurt a lot of people who really care about this work. (MEN AND women.)

Double triple star Hannah! Beautifully said.

Yeah someone get Cringe a carrot stat!

totally! I definitely wouldn’t want a GMO, factory farm husband!

well, we’ve been replaced in the headline by an article about how Drake shaved his beard off.

Ugh, yes! SO bitter, SUPER unattractive.

Ok that seems way out of line and inappropriate. Get a life and grow your vocabulary

does that mean the author of this article is secretly in Superstar Machine? Cause this almost 7,000 word piece is hella long...

I’ve been in every “back room” there is to be in and so have many of the other women who have been posting their positive accounts of SSM. It was never the way that it was distorted to seem in this article.

It’s interesting to me Expose, that you make the assumption that she believes that her power is coming from someone other than her.

The point is that these few women in this article, who clearly did not leave in a typical, emotionally stable fashion, were going to find a cult somewhere anywhere and they just happen to be focusing it on International, SSM and IHSR. I wonder how many of them have already been involved with something they might

Anna—I am really glad that you published Anika’s email to you. It shows me that you are, at this point, willing to see that perhaps you didn’t have all the facts when you went to print with this article.

wooo do I smell bitter *^*

This is being said over and over to the women speaking up for Superstar Machine. I don’t know how on earth Anna Merlin’s article could be viewed as anything other than a long, drawn out attack on this group.

You don’t think Anna’s article was an attack on SSM?

That’s what I’m talkin about Super Hottie Hannah. Well said! This is clearly one of the chicks that went our psycho style.

I feel like you would make a great writer Cringe if you would apply those hateful skillz of yours to something productive and powerful. Sounds like you might need a carrot to relax you?

A bunch, actually.

Such cowardice you display to claim to know someone and say you watched them show off their “reflecting skills” whatever that means and still stay anonymous...

the hotness is about attraction, not how your body looks