
“Ultimately I don’t really care about your group. I also don’t care to argue whether it’s a cult or not.”

Right on the money, Super Hottie Hannah. It is sad indeed about G.

No Cringe’ie-poo. Super Hottie Hannah isn’t saying that valley girl talk is hotness and attraction. Oh there you go again, Cringe. Being so silly. Your too adorable though. Can’t get mad at ya!

Yeah someone get Cringe a carrot stat!

Huh? Frog? What are you talking about? Hard to make out the words through the hate. Luv ya Cringe! xoxo

Jealous much? You’re probably dating one of the ex-members, and are in your own personal hell.

As said in another response, International also works with men and people outside of the SSM age range. And attraction is beyond skin deep, the weight of a woman or person doesn’t affect their attraction level. Y’all are gettin schooled ;)

This is hilarious coming from you. Great to see you again Cringe’y ;)

No shame here, homegirl :)

I take that as a compliment. International is an incredible writer. And he uses his gift for telling stories to help people tell amazing stories with their lives. Wonder why that didn’t make this slanderous article. Hmmm...

It’s sad to me how easily influenced people are by this one-sided crap article. Read the threads here and all the “Pending Approval” responses from current SSM members. SSM is not a cult.

HA! I bet you still talk all the time about the awesome stuff International teaches. About using the intuition etc, etc. And thanks for helping us figure out who you are, G. Cringe is such a great name for you. Excellent job, keep it up!!

Love seeing you here and reading this, Anika!

Sorry but you don’t really sound like a man to me. #JustSayin

Ha! You’re clearly a cuckoo ex-member of SSM from this article. Did you guys get together and brainstorm comebacks? They all have the same stench of suck.

So awesome! Way to let them know Kale123!!!!

Yeah, I heard Anna Merlin is Jezebel’s top intern though. She tries real hard.

Hell yeah, this was so similar to my experience. Katie Arnold was trying to get people to join her Anti-SSM cult the second she left. And it was weird. Real weird.

It’s true. She was never a member of SSM.

That’s what I’m talkin about Super Hottie Hannah. Well said! This is clearly one of the chicks that went our psycho style.