
Oh Coronavirus, where have you been these last 40 years?

As much as I like it, I do think there’s a northeast bias that can be annoying. Like, when they covered the 1960 World Series, when Pittsburgh beat the Yankees on Mazeroski’s series-ending homer, all anyone could talk about was how much it sucked for the Yankees.

This incentivizes people to do the sorts of bullshit that went on during GamerGate where angry internetters would launch campaigns against various companies as a way to punish the various people on their enemies list.”

“The protesters of this book are honestly Kissin cousins of those loons against Drag Queen Story Time in libraries.”

I would be fine with “canceling” all of those people. It would be so tragic if all those shitty people who are already millionaires had to stop being on our screens and radios due to mistreating others.

He’s been with other underage girls (google it) and has been credibly accused of assaulting his daughter...

I’m 35 and have read a lot of information about the accusations against Woody. If you haven’t heard about his other inappropriate relationships with young girls that are documented, you’re the one who’s “low information,” regardless of age. You don’t hate defending Woody Allen, you love being on your high horse.

There is also his 96 minute confession “Manhattan.” But it’s in black and white with lots of Gershwin, which makes a man in his 40's fucking a teenager just fine.

Yeah, Ronan whipped up the campaign! And all those Hachette employees that also walked out? They’re just sheeple following along.

Mobs of young people getting the entrenched establishment to wake up to the times and accept progress. That’s the only way we’ve ever got anywhere.

This would be a completely different discussion, taking place in a completely different tone, had Woody Allen not gotten involved with, and then married, a girl who was technically not his stepdaughter. That was the same level of Public Relations Suicide as Michael “Cosmo Kramer” Richards screaming the N-word (no, not

Which mob of young people forced the publisher’s hand?

Why would publishing this memoir be more beneficial to the publisher than choosing to avoid dealing with the lost money from bad PR and having to replace a significant number of their employees? 

You really don’t come across as someone who hates “having to” defend Woody Allen

First they came for the rapists, and I did not speak up...” Yeah, that doesn’t really sound right, does it?

the midwest is another planet to hollywood.

Safe travels, Alasdair, and thanks for giving these reviews as much thought as you have over the past few years.

If that means that there won’t be any more Bob’s reviews here at all, that is unacceptable.

That is.... an impressively dumb take-away.

If that’s what you got out of this, then I’m going to say you’re probably much more of a triple butt.