
That goodbye scene where she meets up with Ron on the beach just killed me

Yup, this is right up there with the time they reported that Kim Jong Un was forcing every man in the nation ot get his haircut, or when he supposedly fed his uncle to pigs or some such. The irony, of course, is that if North Koreans fell for such obviously made up news stories, these same outlets would be talking

I’m not reading all of this, but I assume the answer to the headline is “for the same reasons everyone else does”

Yeah, it’s super fucking weird that this review explicitly states “these aren’t propaganda choices. They’re filmmaking choices” when just about 100% of the choices in this movie were clearly propaganda. Hell, the review even acknowledges that Kyle is A) a noted liar, and B) claims to have murdered a bunch of innocent

“What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

“He isn’t making the obvious stupid point that he’s being silenced. He’s making a different obviously stupid point about a hypothetical future that will never exist!”

No matter your feelings on illegal downloads, you can’t say they didn’t bring a necessary market correction...

I bet the millions who still don’t have healthcare because the best the Democrats would do is a Heritage Foundation plan probably have something to say, too. But they can’t afford to make major campaign donations, so who gives a fuck what they have to say?

Saying “nothing will fundamentally change” is literally quoting Biden. So if you think it’s a bad thing to say, it’s not Mulaney you should be made at

My dude, I know Canadians like to look down on America, but look up what your nation has done to its indigenous population and you’ll see your conservatives are not at all different than ours.

This is actually a classic fascist tactic -- your enemy has to be simultaneously weak and nigh-unstoppable. I can’t remember if it was Goebbels or Goering who wrote about it, but basically the goal is to both inspire fear and courage; fear because your enemies are so strong and everywhere, but also courage because

No, it literally isn’t! This is based on the completely empirically incorrect assumption that all 3rd party votes would have gone to the Democrat. People still blame 3rd party voters for Clinton’s loss, when over 3x as many people voted for Gary Johnson as voted for Jill Stein. So if there were no 3rd party voters,

It literally isn’t! That’s not how voting works.

You already got your rapist candidate. Isn’t that enough for you?

I have never felt more seen by anything I’ve ever read

If I were being murdered by a police officer, I would simply vote him out of power

“Garnett possibly returning as owner to the same franchise that he saved from the brink of extinction back in 1995"

Neither here nor there, but that was easily one of the best albums of the 00s. Holds up great.

Monsters always cut big checks to charity to shore up support. Weinstein gave millions. Charity does not make you a good person.

Being the “devil’s advocate” is literally the opposite of empathy