
Much much better, though I’m still not sure why it’s so hard to note that the impacts of our actions abroad are felt most strongly by, you know, the people of other nations.

It’s endorsing the framing of US imperialism while quibbling about the specifics of its implementation; exactly what I’m most worried about when it comes to her (generally horrible, in my view) instincts on foreign policy -- disturbingly, one of the few areas where the executive actually has fairly unitary authority!

I still think there should be a federal licensing program, or even a state by state program. We do this for doctors, lawyers, nurses - people that we entrust with our well-being.  It’s time for law enforcement requirements to be equally rigorous.

Because she, unlike most of the others, is supposed to represent genuine change — at least that’s her messaging and what her supporters claim — and she keeps proving otherwise. This ridiculous fence-riding isn’t sober and mature, just enabling.

Several candidates released statements late last night. Pretty sure that waiting until damn near noon the next day EST is pretty patient.

Dems are terrified of appearing unpatriotic, particularly during an election cycle. It’s infuriating, because regardless of how you feel about Iran, this is an act of war, and clearly designed to boost the asshole in the presidency’s approval ratings. It’s all bullshit and needs to be called out precisely for what it

I’m disappointed in Sanders’ statement (yes, this was an illegal assassination and we must resist war in any way possible, but the primary victims of US imperialism are not US soldiers). The best of a sad bunch, and the only one I sort of trust to do the right thing here. I’m disgusted with the rest of them, very much


It’s LeVar. Not “Levar” or “Lavar.”

Levar Burton is a Grade A, stand up guy.
But you don’t have to take my word for it.

This isn’t as good as you apparently think it is.

Unless the Republican is Abraham Lincoln, this is one of the dumbest things he could have said. I’ve been pushing the notion that nobody will be sitting home this election. In a normal year, would a centrist vote for a progressive? Would a progressive vote for a centrist? Maybe not. But with Trump in the White House?

I’ve said for a while that Biden is the one guy pretty much guaranteed to lose to Trump. He’s basically Republican-lite, which is the last thing liberals want right now. He’s a slap in the face to all the progressives who helped form the blue wave in the midterms. He’s not going to interest independents, who will

And John Lewis is the one with cancer.

So, anyone who thinks I’m wrong about what I said about Biden earlier feel like apologizing? I’m feeling generous today.

Well Joe has already made sure to help with that:

And Congress. Ain’t a damn thing really going to change until progressives control both the WH and Congress.

They shouldn’t. The only way back to a sustainable situation in this country is a liberal and progressive Dem in the White House.

This is actually 2 day old news.

Sure, why not? How about Sarah Palin? How about Joe just gets Joe Lieberman to take his place? Lieberman/Palin 2020! These corporate Democrats just love to lose.