
“... but this lackluster, underwhelming, useless toad is still in the race.”

Gee Pete, I guess the one Black person who was thinking of voting for you is now having second thoughts.

“Bitch please.” - John Woolman (1754)

They ALWAYS say “I was joking” when they’ve taken it too far.

Yeah, a “joke.” lol

This wasn’t “silly.” This is a concerted effort by cops - this has happened multiple times around the country - to paint themselves as being persecuted. This is a (dangerous) strategy, not some one-off silliness.

Facebook profile: “BrianandKelleyHornaday”

Dude had to take the photo at the station because they didn’t have any sharpies at McDonald's!

You want to talk about coronations? You project. Because we all know damn well that the way was paved for Hillary Clinton by the DNC with their shitty debate schedule set up to capitalize on her better name renegotiation, their insider bullshit and the fact that people were basically not encouraged to run because it

If you think not a single one of the 14 other candidates is better than Biden, that’s pretty sad. You wanna talk about getting beaten by huge margins? Check out how Biden did before he had Obama’s name to carry him, including in SC, which supposedly loves him so much:

Donald Trump is President because of Hillary Clinton.

If Joe is the nominee it would prove that the Democratic party doesn’t learn nor listen. It’ll be 2016 all over again with a candidate who is basically telling people who are hurting that there’s not a damn thing they can or will even attempt to do to help which isn’t going to get the base out.

Source on him not voting for Clinton in 2016? He supported Bernie but he rallied hard for Clinton once she was the nominee, he even made a doc about it. 

“Even still...44%of Boomers know who Pete is“

I’ve said this before but my issue with Bombshell is that it’s the story of women who spread propaganda for The Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party for years who got rightfully upset when leopards ate their faces but don’t really care when leopards eat other people’s faces.

I’ll never understand the whole argument that any kid not perceived to be “normal” must be manipulated to be that way, as if LGBTQ+ kids aren’t overwhelmingly raised by hetero parents.

Kevin, would you go so far as to say “that was a hoot”?

“Oh baby! Oh baby! Oh baby!”

The AV Club

Like in America, Delta has just announced that they’re doing free meals on select flights to Honolulu, even in economy now. I think that’s going to be the start of things changing in America. And so they should, because the airlines there are making an absolute fortune.