
Do you remember Air America and how spectacularly unsuccessful that was? Because what you’re proposing is Air America.

Imagine being so white you read this article and feel the need to make this comment.

There is nothing more lame in modern online media coverage than the act of cherry picking a handful of completely batshit tweets from accounts with an extremely low number of followers to provide you a nice target to takedown.

Unlikely, as there’s no mention of the driver shouting “BORTLES!!1!!1!1"

But, you know, also a rapist. Which, if we’re going to celebrate him so much feels like something we also need to acknowledge.

You totally get it -- white supremacist hate and Latinx people not liking getting stereotyped are literally the same! Thanks white guy!

Exactly! Amos and Andy was hilarious, so I don’t understand why some SJW libtards are upset about it!

“I care so little about this I made sure to comment about it!”

“It’s ridiculous controversies like this that alienate a lot of people from the progressive movement.”

Well, seeing as his whole point was that people who work for the exact same companies he’s worked for have no right to say this stuff, it comes across as extremely hypocritical. Maybe it would have worked better if it had been funny at all.

Wow, the Ricky Gervais stans are even more delusional than the Elon Musk stans!

And hillbillies think they should be called “sons of the soil.”

Sure, but this is capitalism friend — find me one person who doesn’t take checks from corporations who oppress people around the globe. Doesn’t mean you can’t, say, want those corporations to stop doing that.

“There’s nothing wrong with what he did, just how he did it!”

Jesus, if you ever need to know why airflight is so expensive and so shitty, all you need to do is read the comments on this article. Apparently bootlickers will defend the airlines right to gauge you to hell and back.

I’m sorry, I’m reserving my opinion on whether this is good or bad until Martin Scorcese writes an OpEd about it.

Careful Itchy -- he’s Irish!

Oooo, if you’d just mentioned Russian Bots you would have qualified for the “liberal excuses for a police state” bingo!

IIRC, the only reason he’s in the movie in the first place is because if you film at a Trump property, you’re required to put a cameo of him in your movie. I think there’s also a stipulation that he has to be referred to as “Mr. Trump.”

But isn’t desperately wanting and then reporting scoops the definition of news? Why isn’t this ire directed at the FBI, who were wrong, instead of the paper which reported a true story (the FBI identified him as a suspect)?