
Nah, it’s a classic rule of showbiz. You never say no, you simply set conditions you know the other party will never accept. So if you don’t want to show up somewhere, you demand an outrageous amount of money. If you don’t want a racist shitty musician on your talk show, you make them jump through unacceptable hoops.

In the studio’s defense, here had been a guy tearing up the honky tonk circuit with a band that puts on a raucous live show and the album he produces is mostly just a guy and a guitar. Like, they were obviously wrong about how good it was and how well it would sell, but it was a hell of a curveball.

For someone who’s so concerned with more important matters, you somehow found the time to comment on this. Strange!

Are you having fun yet?

How has this comment been here for damn near a week and only has 13 stars?!? This deserves all the damn stars. I genuinely spit out my coffee.

My favorite genre of trolls are obvious white people pretending to be Black.

Oh boy, I’m sure all the fucking nerds who care way to much about superhero movies will be totally fine with a Black man being Superman. No weird, 12 paragraph rants about how their not racist but Superman has to be white because of...well, I can’t parody their arguments because I’ve already quit reading by that point.

How many would exist if people would actually cast trans people?

“We should be like Trump, but just a little less than he would do.”

I’m just jealous of his success, as I’ve always wanted to be a musician-poet who transcends genres even as he reinvents them.

Holy shit, you really came here just to make a comment about how an icky girl ruined everything with her icky girl takes. You are literally what Sunny is making fun of.

Yes, yes, the oppressive totalitarian state here is...checks notes...women who have been sexually harassed and/or assaulted?

Goddamnit, Deadpsin is fully and officially dead and they didn’t even get a fun send off. It’s not like we needed any more evidence that venture capitalists are bloodsucking morons, but this is horseshit. I’d gladly sit through 7 simultaneously autoplaying adds just to have the gang back.

Deadspin may be dying, but it’s comforting to see there’s still plenty of performance and bare-ass truthers...

I definitely picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue, I can tell you that much

It’s only the top of the 2nd, but this comment has already not aged well

“I am Black”

Nah, Ron would love Trump and people just don’t want to admit it because they like the character

Trump aint the disease, he’s the symptom