
“because higher education, like unions, do function as important progressive institutions”

I think the bigger question is when Adam Carolla had enough plastic surgery to become Al Franken

Yeah, and how come Black people can say the N word but when I do it I get called into HR?!? REVERSE RACISM!!1!!1!!

Username checks the fuck out

What’s a Thrasher?

This is the most apt and succinct way to explain this particular type of asshole, and I am 100% stealing it from you

“To quietly snuff out any direct pushback against a clear reporting mistake—plus any conversation about the Hong Kong protests more generally—is a cowardly move.”

The obvious difference here is that Chine is slaughtering Muslims for wildly incoherent ideological reasons while Israel is...hey, I see what you did there!

Yeah, it’s definitely not the case that Israel has the support of both major political parties in the form of billions of dollars of military hardware. Make sure to both sides this shit! You could get a NY Times editorial position!

This is somehow [citation needed] just written in a thousand words

<it can be two things.gif>

But China contains Potassium Benzoate!

It is, but that’s how it’s always been. It’s one of the reasons many states have automatic arrest laws for domestic violence, because very often the victim doesn’t want to press charges. But the criminal prosecution of many types of crimes fall apart because the victim doesn’t care about it or see it as a big enough

That guy who worked at MAD Magazine?

But there isn’t one good thing to say about New York

Yeah, that really stood out to me. I think he’s giving away a lot more about his beliefs than he intends to when he posits them as the exact opposite of antifacism.

You write like someone who has some really strong opinions on the difference between pedophiles and ebophiles

It fucking kills me how many people in Iowa are far more upset at the newspaper than this dipshit’s tweets. Not surprisingly, so much of it clearly has the feel of “We all say racist shit, so what’s the big deal?!?”

Who does this guy think he is? Tim Allen?!?

Counterpoint: get ready for some stitches