
How to spot a centrist

Bernie won every county in WV. It’s centrists that can’t win there.

Cool, glad you can name a handful of shitty politicians. That does not at all address why we should listen to the people who have lost thousands of seats over the past decade.

“he is literally the only Democrat who could possibly win that seat”

Joe Manchin, the guy who supports the Republican governor of WV and consistently votes with Trump? Definitely need more people like him!

How about you do that yourself? Why are leftists constantly tasked with Proving some Great Point About Electability, when the centrists have overseen a party that has lost thousands of seats in past decade, controls no branch of the federal government, and controls only a small minority of state governments? Pretty

Meanwhile, I’m sure the hoards of right-wingers Nancy Pelosi who positively salivate at the opportunity to call progressive women of color “anti-Semites” for their criticisms of Israel are working on their sharply-worded condemnations for Dobbs’ latest remarks as we speak. Right? Right??

Yeah, I love how he repeatedly claims there’s an “industry” (?!?) for women to steal the money of powerful men. In addition to being a shitty rape apologist, I don’t think he knows the definition of basic words like “industry.”

“It doesn’t mean your insensitive to women if you ask”


Because it’s a shitty fucking question to ask? The idea that people who have been sexually assaulted don’t react in the exact way an outside observer who has not experienced any of this would has long been used to discredit victims of sexual assault and is one of the prime reasons it’s so difficult for them to get

So the text messages where he literally admits to doing this do nothing for you chief?

Man, you really need a hobby

“I get the feeling that none of these fuckers worried about the “future of baseball” actually likes watching baseball. Anyway, this was good.”

The political scientist Corey Robin had a great post (that I can’t find to link to right now) about the problem with stats-worshipers like Silver being that they fundamentally overestimate what stats can do. 2016 is a great example in that statistical analysis of something like elections fundamentally presupposes

This is one of the clearest possible examples that this is all a game to these fucking assholes (or a grift, but obviously a grift they enjoy). There are so many people on this roster that supposedly stand against everything so many other people on this roster stand for. And not like in a “great taste/less filling”

This post is just one massive [citation needed]. While there is some (limited) evidence that a good sports team drives enrollment slightly up, there is no evidence that athletic success drives donations to anything other than athletics. As faculty at a major sports factory school, I can tell you that our big time

“Explain, somebody!”

But there’s a party in his mouth and everyone’s invited!