“didn’t stop ABC News from forcing them on us anyway.”
“didn’t stop ABC News from forcing them on us anyway.”
“a surprisingly good group of relievers on the cheap”
It’s just like how this very comment section was full of puds arguing that dipshit in Salt Lake who was banned from games could have totally beat up Russel Westbrook
“in getting US assets killed”
“I would have told them to present the info they had legal access to a US congressman or senator; a state Adjutant General; a DoD or WH ethics / legal office - but never to a foreigner.”
“Bigotry works all directions.”
It’s the ol’ “I’m cancelling my subscription!!1!1!!!” but for the internet age
It only took about 10 hours for this post to not age well!
Is there any greater sign of a rapper going full sell out than sayihng “fuck the police” is a bad thing?
It’s not “guilt by association” if you choose to associate yourself with the guilty party. That’s like saying “Just because someone is in the KKK you can’t call them racist! That’s guilt by association!”
I had no idea about this. Seriously fuck that asshole
The only problem, of course, is that Rosie has a fucking cannon for an arm
Don’t forget tall! He’s both white and tall, which means he’s gotta be good!
“All the moderator did was ask when she stopped murdering homeless people to eat their organs. Why couldn’t she just answer the question?!?”
Alternately, centrists like you pretend to care about race until it’s inconvenient for you (see: everything Ilhan Omar says/does) and then all of a sudden it’s “trivial.”
But to be fair, Kevin Hart should shut the fuck up even when the conversation isn’t about something important, personal, or political.
Leslie Knope thinks this headline is too much
Came here to say exactly this. It’s actually kind of...well, exciting isn’t exactly the right word, but super interesting that this kind of case finally involves a victim who doesn’t need the settlement money. Not only are the offers usually low-balled, but they also typically make it so no one has to admit any…
Zing! You got ‘em! How’s that sophomore philosophy class going, sport?
He definitely committed a felony, no question about it