Forever Blowing Bubbles

He was awesome in Luke Cage, too.

Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

He’s not just a random former NFL coach whose son happens to be a top recruit either; he was actually Harbaugh’s QB coach when Harbaugh was on the Chargers. Strong connection there.

He’s well within the rules to do that. Cut the man some slacks.

An let’s not forget most of their CL titles were founded on some questionable refereeing.

‘’So THAT’s how you do it’’ -Draymond Green

+1 Bad Moon Rison


I haven’t seen this big a burn from Atlanta since Sept. 1, 1864.

What an asshole.

This is a cultural issue. Where young is from having multiple partners isn’t a big deal.

Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.

Rest in Pizza-Pizza

“a Messi-esque false 9"

I was under the impression Barca plays Suarez as an actual 9 with Messi out on the right. 

Now, I’m not gay, but I would TOTALLY do Kip Winger!


Kip Winger is actually Joe Biden’s personal chef now. True story.


Are Performance Enhancing Shoulder Rubs included in the policy?

Where have you gone Janeane Garofalo?