Forever Blowing Bubbles

It’s the machines.

I’ll be honest... I first thought Finger might have gone Torchinsky (if you read Jalopnik, you know).

And yet they don’t have the resources to pay the players. GTFOH MOFOs!

+1 to Nameless Midnight, Uriel’s Gift, and Merciless. That is my trifecta to getting sh*t done in any mode. MIDA Multi-Tool is great and all but i was kinda hoping it would get left in Destiny 1 because i feel like it had its time in the sun and i’d like to see more new exotics. Side note, i just got Sunshot

The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff


Wait, they have tape of Hulk Hogan nailing James Comey?

Masculine of Brienne. As in, Brien of Tarth.

“Doing a better job of pounding the strike zone” is something I say to my wife all the time.

If there is a worse broadcaster in professional sports, I haven’t found him or her yet.

Couple of things to add:

Can any of them play offensive line

Agreed. He was clearly an important piece of their midfield, and now Chelsea is reaping the benefits of his play this year.

There is no replacement for a transcendent number 6. And we are all witness to what one can do for your club. He took a bottom half of the table Leicester and made them champions, and now he is taking a bottom half of the table Chelsea and is making them champions.

I, for one, am extremely psyched that Claudio Ranieri gets some time to drink wine and blast some sweet opera tunes while the Foxes get fucking relegated.

Wenger has always been very fourthright.

When he starts a band.

*Morans. This is Missouri we’re talking about.

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

Morons. They were playing Kentucky.