Forever Blowing Bubbles

Omg! You used a photo from “Homeward Bound” to go along with this photo?? I’m crying while standing in line at the store. “SHADOW! SHADOW!!” Omg!! Why??

Agreed, I prefer my favorite internet wordsmiths to be wholly 1-dimensional and not let their interests, politics or personality get in the way of the motoring news that is so vital to my very exsistence. It personally offends me on a deeply emotional level when anything other than quarter mile times, peak-horsepower

Nothing against Crystal Palace, but I hope for Big Sam’s sake they get relegated.

So is Oscar his first or last name?

You are correct, that is a really stupid theory.

Jason it’s December 2(3)rd and Steam goes down... coincidence? Get woke people!

Would happily support any content creator who happens to transition while I enjoy their work (Only one has done this so far, but he writes review articles, not a youtube person/twitch streamer). I imagine the quality of fun stuff they do would only go up when the person is actually happy with how they look and feel.

You take that back.

Now playing

But we’ll always have that FA Cup final dance. And loss.

I want to see the two big fellas throw hands.

Hey now. A one half suspension straightened Johnny Manziel out.

What a great hire he would be though. He’ll do whatever Trump tells him and then ride the coattails of the previous administration’s success.

To his credit, Allen also called Santa Ana after their meeting to apologize again.

You think that’s awkward? You should have seen the rookie who asked Rex Ryan about footing the bill.

“I took a shot.”

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.