
Go back to any episode where they breath fire and they very often do it while flying stationary. Real life ballistas had a range of about 1/3rd of a mile. Before it was revealed, I assumed the weapon would be a ballista because it just makes sense. However, they will likely need many of them. If they only had the one,

Texas is a pretty big place. I live in IL and Chicago is a lot different than living among the corn fields of Southern IL.

Yep, that’s why a lot of players only play on hardcore servers, because there’s less people already at the top tier of the tech chain. Most of the non-hardcore servers have people built up on every other hill with all the shit they can possibly have.

Except they do... just google “basketball sideline” or whatever you can think of where men sit next to each other, their legs will not be completely closed. I’m not saying guys need to lay back spread eagle like the guy above, but they absolutely are more comfortable with their legs open UNLESS they were able to

I’m 140lbs, I’m not a big guy, and yes I’m fine asking someone much larger to move. What are they going to do, jump up and beat the shit out of me for asking? I mean, really? And as a guy, in the minuscule chance of that happening, I probably wouldn’t get much help, but you can be almost guaranteed a flock of men

If the pictures were of full trains/buses, I’d believe that.

My point was that this is not the first article about man spreading, but one of many. Whereas I’ve never seen one about the purse thing, which would be just as silly. Plus, pictures in a comments section is a lot different than a series of articles (Jezebel, Lifehack’s sister site, posts about it a lot).

Ever heard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”? If they are even remotely unsure, they do not ban. If you watch the video where he killed the player, it is very clear it was not an accident. Also, it is a temporary ban, not permanent.

Right, there is no need to spread over two seats, though in the above picture the train was clearly mostly empty. But there are a lot of pictures of “man spreading” where the guy is not taking up a ridiculous amount of room and are just making a big deal about nothing.

If there are available seats, why is it a problem? You do know men have external genitals, right? Depending on what they are wearing, it can be pretty uncomfortable to have their legs all the way together. Sometimes, if it is hanging between, they *can’t* close their legs all the way unless they “adjust” themselves,

Even though you act like a child, you know you can’t extrapolate any of that from an online conversation. Or at least, I hope you know that.

Wow, no shit? Are you seriously this dense?

Then you obviously didn’t read my original comment fully.

Yeah, I don’t yell at my kid for wanting to show me their drawing they worked on. I guess I am a piece of shit.

Depends on how old they are. For years, no matter how much you tell them to leave you alone, they’ll come running in there periodically to either show you a drawing or come crying that their sibling punched them in the head or something. Even if you lock the door, they’ll just bang on it until attention is given.

I could not care less what my neighbor does in his garage.

I could not care less what my neighbor does in his garage. Then again, I don’t think the world revolves around me.

That article title was pretty clickbait-y. He wasn’t saying the US was temporarily without leadership. He was saying the Paris agreement was temporarily without US leadership, which is a huge difference.

Would those controllers work on my original SNES? If so, that alone would be worth it. Two Nintendo-brand SNES controllers that don’t have problems after a week of use.

In the video they say they work dawn to dusk for a week to 10 days. But probably cheaper than a lawsuit stemming from a 10-20 story poster blowing off onto a freeway. I don’t know how big it can get before it becomes a major risk.