
Yeah, as a guy I’d happily strap on a bikini top to get paid to play video games. It is one of the few things women have a much easier time than guys with (making money streaming video games). CHECK YOUR PRIVELIGE LADIES, GAWD.

Witcher 3, I guess. I’d say most Bioware games are an example of terribly done sex scenes. They copulate with the grace of a couple of mailboxes clanking together.

If you lift the pen off the tablet to put it somewhere else, there is no indicator of where exactly to put the pen down to be on top of “that line over there” like there is for keys on a keyboard.

Stonehenge is famous in the USA and we’re pretty damn far away from it.

I’ll never understand how people can use drawing tablets that don’t have a screen. I’ve tried it and drawing on something while looking at a monitor to see the results is just not something I can do.

It really depends on how much the person plays the prior game. I would have noticed if Far Cry 3 used Far Cry 2's map because I played it so much but I wouldn’t have noticed if FC4 did the same to FC3.

Was a pretty damn good game. One of the few games I 100% completed on the hardest difficulty.

I’ve heard stories of people still going to church but I thought they were just rumors...

I loved this movie as a kid, though I’m sure its actually terrible.

Wait, the evolution of Evee in Yellow is tied to how well you were doing? How is that measured? I was really under-leveled for the Elite 4 (as I always am, I hate grinding) and he had Jolteon. Does that mean I was doing “good” or “bad”?

Only took me a couple tries. Just stand behind one of them so that the middle one shoots his comrade, from there it is easy.

That’s not exactly what sunk cost fallacy is, though that may be the result of it. The fallacy is that if you’ve already put that much time, money, effort, or whatever into something, that it would be a “waste” to throw it away, even if you really should and would likely be wasting even more by not doing it.

But...why is it funny?

I guess I’m officially old now. I watched the video and I don’t get it.

I’ve seen pretty much the opposite... As in no hype at all. Even I, who usually love Far Cry games, don’t have a whole lot of interest in this. Review-wise, there aren’t many out yet, but they’re averaging in the high 70's. Of the not-yet-review articles I’ve read, they’re disappointed in it.

Is a 3$ difference really that big of a deal?

“Campo Santo had more balls than Donald Trump on steriods to make this game”

60$ AAA games are often 5 or 6 hours long, so I don’t see why 18$ for 2-3 hours is crazy. Sure there are AAA games that are 50+ hours, but people are obviously fine with paying for those short ones too.

WoW in general is grinding and tedious and yet I still somehow had such a blast playing it...I don’t even know how I enjoyed it that much because I hate grinding.

I was talking about at the beginning of the game. Later in the game you don’t really need overwatch as much outside of ambushes because you have better abilities and are more likely to hit.