
Ah yes. “Cancel culture”. The pernicious plague of ... marginalized people and poor people having the temerity to tell a wealthy woman that she’s wrong about something.

Rowling has 14.2 million Twitter followers. She is not making an abstract point about feminism and activism. She is directly telling a subset of her followers that she genuinely believes that they have been tricked into transitioning from male to female, or that they want to be allowed to use the ladies’ room so they

At one point she had given away so much money she came OFF the billionaire list.

“I don’t think J.K. Rowling is transphobic,” Izzard says. “I think we need to look at the things she has written about in her blog. Women have been through such hell over history. Trans people have been invisible, too.”

then trashing them as a traitor.

I feel like we’re going to be reading versions of this word salad regularly between now and election day.

Yeah the Sunday service stuff is like 3 degrees off cult.

I was in high school when The Man Show was on, and I knew a lot of asshole (white) guys who thought it was the height of humor and emulated the hosts’ behavior. More than the men who it was ostensibly for, the show reached teenagers in droves, the same group that loved South Park for its fart jokes and “equal

Sorry, but Kimmel was not funny during his Man Boy Show days, and he isn’t funny now. Giving him credit for being slightly less of a prick now that his profile is higher doesn’t change that fact.  He simply isn’t funny or witty.  His only saving grace is he isn’t as bad as James Corden.

He has also been a creep to his female guests.

I like Silverman, but I am puzzled by some of her choices.

Some people believed his relationship with Sarah Silverman gave him feminist cred. I’m not one of those people.

Yes. He only changed his tune when he was personally affected. That’s not to belittle the fact that I think he is fairly genuine today, but we should also be honest about what seems to be the fact that had it not happened, he could have and possibly would have continued blindly ignoring injustice. I would like him to

Jimmy’s defense of the Man Show is a very serious version of “It’s all a joke, innit!” from This is Spinal Tap when the band had to defend the proposed Smell the Glove album cover.

I don’t see how advocating for healthcare once it became personal to him and his family does fuckall to atone for the misogyny he championed, televised and profitted from and which he continues to refuse to discuss in any meaningful way. 

Jimmy is like any man that suddenly has a daughter and realizes that sexism is real. He has deeply internalized misogyny and you can by the difference in his interviews between men and women. For men he has some sort of bond, a personal connection he doesn’t even bother to attempt with women. It’s pretty clear he does

We’re calling Seth Meyers a centrist? He is more left than any host short of Jon Oliver or Trevor Noah.

It doesn’t really change the fact that the insistence that Kimmel and Corolla were trolling all of us and their “Man Show” personas were merely satirical is false and revisionist. Adam Corolla is very much still Adam Corolla from “The Man Show,” except like his Loveline buddy Dr. Drew, has gotten even more

Kimmel’s long documented history of racist and sexist “humor” should permanently disqualify him from further work in the entertainment industry.

if I recall correctly, the ideal conception of how to live life was embodied by the construction worker neighbor who only cared about fishing, the “breast exam” commercial so he could see boobs, and hated emotions.