
Phillip Picardi, former digital editorial director for Teen Vogue, tweeted in support of the site, shifting the blame away from Teen Vogue staffers

three more seasons


Wrong. Fake news. 

Yes, of course I knew that. I wasn’t correcting a simple slip... I was literally pointing out the argument the attorneys for the production company would make to try to get the case dismissed. That there IS NO Ramona.

Literally have no idea what you even mean.

That’s my point. It’s not like they just changed the name. Many aspects of the character (and story) were changed. Frankly, the real Samantha and the actual story seem to be A bit darker and more scandalous than were portrayed on film. (The original case against Barbash, for instance, lays out that many of the other

You just answered your own question.

Joaquin Phoenix getting a standing ovation from everyone except Beyoncé is my 2020 mood.

“Our president will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate.... I believe that he will attach Iran sometime prior to the election, because he thinks that’s the only way he can get (re-)elected. Isn’t it pathetic?”
-Donald Trump, November 2011

It’s not tinfoil hat-ish. Trump LITERALLY gave us tis game plan would be years ago:

$8 million in 1960 would be about $70 million today.

I live in NYC, where that price is pretty standard. I just checked to see what my local theater charges for digital 3D and as you can see, it is... more than that..

So, I hate to say it... but I found Emma Watson to be by far the weakest in an otherwise remarkable cast. Florence Pugh and Saoire Ronan, on the other hand, were amazing in this. Meryl Meryl’d, obviously (which is a good thing), and Timothée Chalamet was the embodiment of Laurie. 

Yes he will be impeached. No he won’t be convicted in the senate. It’s not gonna happen, period. Comparing it to Nixon isn’t realistic, because we quite simply live in a very different world now. Nixon was forced out because he was a “law & order” president who was voted in based on his supposed principals. Once his

Yes, they absolutely do. Schools can discipline students for misbehavior that occurs outside of school.

No it wasn’t, but that hardly matters. Specifics differ from state-to-state, but schools absolutely have the right (legally) to discipline students for behavior that happens outside of school or when school is not in session. We’re talking about a picture of a one of their students in full-on blackface and afro wig

Yes, but a 14 day sentence isn’t actually a 14 day sentence (just as a year sentence isn’t actually a year). A percentage is automatically knocked off (as long as you don’t commit more infractions while locked up) as a way to A) save money; and B) encourage good behavior behind bars. Her 14 day sentence was actually

He literally does mention her (and Andrew Yang; both of whom Ocampo notes aren’t included on the list because no one has endorsed them).

She moonlights as a bartender a couple of nights a week down at TJ Calamity’s in the Old Orchard Mall.