
Like a cancer it needs to be poisoned, irradiated, and cut out, make sure that shit is dead.

I imagine with enough time and digging, there will be enough of a body of evidence to show that there is a conspiracy to undermine the American government itself by the Trump Administration and that Trump is far from the only person who should be seeing prison time.

Treason has been committed. I think some R’s may have just enough brain cells to know that, depending on the level of treason, why yes: they still do execute people for it.

This has to be good news. Hopefully these republican rats are going to fall over themselves turning on the big fat orange rat. Is there rule of law in the USA? We shall see...

Oversight ranking member Jim Jordan

Because Trump is committing crimes and telling everyone about it. The equivalent to this asking Ukraine to investigate today from the rose garden would be if Nixon got on a megaphone and played the Watergate tapes during a press conference.

But Trump hates sharks.

That landscape is so lovely, the current fence doesn’t look great but it’s not nearly the eyesore he wants it to be. He’s one of those weird assholes who seems to hate natural beauty in every way and cant see a sunset without thinking how much better it would look with a few buildings in the way. 

Came here for the sharks with frickin’ laser beams joke. Not disappointed.

Ah, yes, our border with Mexico between El Paso and San Diego is the perfect place for a water-filled moat filled with wild animals that would need constant attention.

“Kirstjen, you didn’t hear me the first time, honey,” Trump reportedly said. “Shoot ’em down. Sweetheart, just shoot ’em out of the sky, O.K.?”

White House aides apparently looked into a cost estimate for a trench alongside the border wall filled with snakes or alligators”

But for the record, please stop Facetiming me. (I don’t want to have to brush my hair)

I was about to push the button on a really snarky tweet. Then I saw my son, daughter, and wife and I deleted it.”

I was thinking the same thing. I’ve not been quick to jump on the “Democrats are fucking this up!” bandwagon, but I do worry that by setting that goal they might be underestimating the scope of even the Ukraine scandal. The whistle-blower complaint mentioned that this is just one of a number of similar incidences. 

Right? This would’ve been followed by a Tik Tok video of Shia staring into the camera sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

I’m still getting over the fact that the right claim that the Nazis were left wing socialists.

The reaction of men (and some women) to the #MeToo movement and allegations of harassment, abuse and rape is like a Rorschach test. It cuts through all the bullshit down the core of a person’s true beliefs. And the question is simple: Do you, or do you not trust the words that women speak? And speak, and speak. Is the

This is the kind of shit I expect from Shia Labeouf.

Thanks for this. I was wondering when the right suddenly did a total about face and agreed that McCarthy was the villain of his historical story.