
Its beyond cliche, but the first time I saw my wife in a bikini, prior to our relationship, I saw her and then had to take a minute to recompose myself, internal fireworks aplenty.

And then early on in our dating, she took me to her hometown for some event and they did fireworks and a few of them exploded super early,

Best hotel pool story: Arguably the courtesan of the century, Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman (with a Rothschild and an Agnelli along the way) was US ambassador to France from 1993 -97. While in that post, she swam in the swimming pool in the Ritz Hotel in Paris every morning (and it was closed to others for

He could make it to the Supreme Court... if he likes beer. Apparently that is a crucial component of the personality profile.

And then straight on to the Supreme Court!

“He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Troiano reportedly said. According to the Times”

C’mon. We ALL know that if a sexual assault doesn’t happen:

Wonder how many “sexual assaults” (not rapes, obv) the judge committed in his good college days?

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

It’s weird that the Kushners look down their noses at Karlie. For years, they tried to get Josh to break up with her. Yet the father is a former jailbird who hired a hooker to seduce his brother in law and the son is Jared. They’ve got some nerve. 

But I bet Karlosh are keeping all their unearned, ill-gotten Kushner Bucks.

I’m 39 and would love it if someone I was dating made me a mix cd/playlist.  Especially if they nailed what I liked.

Yeah, about that. Two words: Doug. Fucking. Ford.

It just seems hilariously quaint to me - not a disaster.

Ha ha ha, you and your “empirical facts”, ha ha ha. What are you? A Canadian?

Dont put her in jail...make her pay for 20 students to go to college every year for the next 10 years. Not the Aunt Becky scholarship where she gets to say she’s doing something good or gets a tax right off. Just cutting a check to said school to cover the costs.  If she goes to jail then my tax dollars are paying for

Hell yes. Give me enough time to get good and drunk and rain your heavenly rocks upon us, Extinction Level Event-Sized Asteroid Colliding With Earth. 

Still no word from the eggheads at NASA as to which asteroid has the best chance of colliding with Earth and ending all life on the planet.

I stare at the deadbeats guzzling cocktails at the bar at 11 a.m.

From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.