
The bad news is you never really beat your eating disorders, you just traded one form for another. It’s a common pattern - anorexia, bulimia, binge eating. The good news is that it’s not your fault, you're not lazy or lacking in willpower. There’s science behind your weight gain after years of eating disorders.

The Canadian Maritime provinces are very beautiful and very historical Prince Edward Island is where Anne of Green Gables was set.

“The lack of consequences suffered by this president for his repeated lies, crimes and transgressions against honesty and decency is filling me with despair!

I think you need to tell him that it is he who is incorrect. There was lots of evidence of collusion. What Muller did not find was CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. Don Jr. going to that meeting was collusion by any normal person’s definition of the word. What our former NSA did by agreeing to send back a duly admitted resident of

Yeah, I’ve voted for Republicans at the local level on several occasions. Sorry, that’s an automatic fail now. You throw in with Trump, you have to wear that stench.

I am always surprised when someone finds their straw that broke the camel’s back, but I think that it’s one of those things where when you pause and try to look at it outside the fog of the Trump era, it is really a big holy shit moment. The AG lied under oath to protect a president who was found to be obstructing

I’m an independent voter, and I have voted R, D, and independent at various times in my life. But after these past, well 10 years really, I will never, ever, ever, vote R again for anything at all. Good job, R nuts?

*Mac Sauce

A positive review means the Russian banking system will be raising Trump’s credit limit! Very productive!

That is, without question, the best baby gift possible. I would have LOVED to have someone do that for me. 

He still is hostile to “’Jina”.

With WikiLeaks under fire, how is the public going to find out what’s on the DNC’s servers this time around?”

I get you, Cannibal Witch. And I'd really like to believe that you get ME (!)

Looks like Trump just got his yearly review from his boss, huh?

You ever think about how delicious those baby Carters must be? I mean, have you seen the cheeks on Sir?


There needs to be a statute of limitations on how long you can be punished for eating children. Have you eaten children since you started blogging for Jezebel? And even if so, have you eaten children while blogging for Jezebel?And even if you have, weren’t they bad children to begin with? I really don’t see how any of

Who wants to bet that Lisa was a whiny brat who served a much better purpose as a delicious snack? 

A person can eat children and still be great at blogging, it’s so unfair that you continue to be judged based on your actions. Like all cannibal witches, you should be able to do whatever you want with no consequences. 

LOOK. I am NOT defending Cannibal Witch. She’s done and said a lot of stuff that’s questionable, though undeniably strong, which is the kind of leadership this country needs, love her or hate her. But the link is...right under the first paragraph. That’s ALL.