Her website is brief but she describes herself as:
Her website is brief but she describes herself as:
And the offending driver probably responds with shocked indignation to you alerting them they are stopped in the middle of the road for no reason.
You and I are in the minority in this viewpoint. I just plainly called the perspective of the article uninteresting and unnewsworthy. Of course, I’m getting shouted down for that, but it’s totally predictable on this site.
This isn’t newsworthy or interesting. Why should anyone care?
If these alegation are true, homegirl should have blown his shit up then and there and filed a police report. Going behind the law and trying to keep it out of the media really makes her seem like an opertunistic gold digger...not a victim.
What else would “a Montreal native, an artist, screenwriter and music video director who still bartends” wear?
What the hell is she wearing? Giant man jeans and a pirate shirt?
No gonna speak on the case, but “Talula describes herself as a Montreal native, an artist, screenwriter and music video director who still bartends” killed me. Girl you a bartender.
Was hoping there’d be video. Whatevs.
Thanks, Google:
This is a tragic accident but who wheels a a baby on or around a busy street?
To all snoflakes (libersl and conservative):
Her profiles of women drivers are cribbed out of a book by someone who did the research and wrote the nice stories. This was cribbed off someone who either didn’t do the research or didn’t publish it which means Ms Werth would have had to do her own research and that ain’t happening.
People who buy a house in the flight path of an existing airport have NO RIGHT to complain about the noise from said airport.
I have one. To keep a car healthy, it has to see a redline at least once a day. I make sure of it. I think I kind of learned to do this from my phase 1 motorcycle days (I still ride, but I’m in the phase 2), that 2 stroke would foul plugs if you don’t let it do what it’s supposed to do, which is running in the power…
no, they count for absolutely nothing.
Glad to see someone on Jalopnik support putting people into unemployment. I mean, I guess those girls can find other more “suitable” work.....