Forester guy

But is there any pressure NOT to make other states on par with CA emissions regulations? I mean, why make something up to CA spec if you can make the whole country “CA-spec”.

THANK YOU! that´s what i wanted to know. The reason behind the strict emissions regulations and whether it was worth it. I had no idea LA was THAT BAD in the 70´s. Actually i thought it was pretty much like everywhere else in the US, but no. It really was more polluted than average and thats what prompted the whole

That sounds bad! actually that sounds a little extreme even.

I didnt know it was the most populated. That makes sense. But still, does the second-most populated state has strict emissions laws too? I dont know which type of pollution im talking about. Im talking about the laws that are getting stricter, whichever types of pollution they regulate

what? I just asked about why the laws are so strict. Im not even american, much less an “enviromental folk”.

Fair enough, i didnt know that. But still, emissions laws are way more strict than the second most populated state in the US

actually I´ve only been in San Francisco once, in 2005. Im from Brazil, our pollution is way worse, that´s why im asking.

Is CA the most polluted state in the US? Why only them enforce these laws so fiercely? I mean, it would make sense if this were a nationwide law, but a single-state law seems a bit unnefficient to me. Makes you wonder how much money and corruption is behind this scam

1- well, I say you´re a pussy then

Chevrolet is a master on making wrong decisions. I hope frustrated buyers flock to Tesla instead.

Having to create a post to minimize the damage caused by Patrick Redford´s post is sad. Very sad. You guys can´t maintain an opinion.. Whenever I read a firm opinion about something around here, there is either a paragraph saying its “not quite like this” or another post complletely antagonic to the former.

Sometimes i´m really glad us Brazilians dont give a flying crap about our neighbour.

what? please clarify how one being taller equals greater income.

There, fixed it for you

oh shut up, we all know the gravity of the situation. Yes its bad, but we´ve never met the kid. Also, if I were to feel bad for every person that dies everyday, jesus christ.


Oh no you didn´t

Well, if the body filler is well done, im actually pretty okay with it.

Sucks that we have to clarify what “autonomous driving” means. People are too stupid to understand that, and ad agencies are too busy minding their own egos and not giving a shit.

It seems a bit too overstyled for me. But im glad Lamborghini went for it. Sure hope the first one is not wrecked in 6 months coming out of cars and coffee