Pseudotsuga menziesii

Wonder if the backbone of their systems are still using COBOL ?

Grey market import business opportunity?

Bikes really should be banned. They alone caused 417,485 injuries in 2019. Won’t someone think of the children!?!?

This is the internet, I was being hyperbolic. ;-) 

Step 1: Don’t buy a Chrysler, Daimler Chrysler, Cerberus,  FCA, Stellantis product!

This! So many people have low res cameras that all they can really tell you is essentially what time of the day and week you got robbed. Unless you get true 1080 or better yet 4K cams that don’t use tons of compression they are not much help to be honest.

Not to mention Oahu has 3 yes THREE Interstate Highways! Why people don’t drive there is beyond me! H1 here I come!

Actually The Bus™ on Oahu is amazing. Used it tons while stationed at Pearl.

Patrice Cullors calls herself a co-founder of BLM.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee earned a B.A. in Political Science from Yale University with honors in the first graduating class including females, followed by a J.D. from the University of Virginia Law School. She is married to Dr. Elwyn Lee who is also a Yale Graduate and an Administrator at the University of

I only make minimum wage hauling around 12' long 2x12 to various muddy worksites across all of northern Canada and thus have to have a usable 12' bed with awesome 4x4 mileage while I do Uber in SoCal between wood runs.

The USFS and the BLM are wanting to know if these can be ordered in bulk on GSA to help in their moon moving mission?

I see your Louis Gohmert and raise you one Sheila Jackson Lee. 

What’s even more sad is this blog is being purposely obtuse as a “joke” but also to gaslight. I guess really is just more evidence that both sides play to a dolt base fanned on my those that “get it.”

UGH... I’m sick of opportunists from all sides attempting to make make mountains out of mole hills. What happened to objective based journalism blogging?

They guy is being a smart ass and is implying that neither the USFS or the BLM can do jack squat about the climate since they lack the regulatory power to do so (congress has the legislative/regulatory power)  Hence the move the moon joke. Its a very dry/smug sense of humor/sarcasm and is common among the ruling

This folks is why you should spay and neuter your cars! How embarrassing to have your Lexus RX making babies with an Aztec! The shame! You should prob move to another city if not state...

How European of Ford. (roll eyes gif...) 

Do not pay for HBO nor have I watched the show. This Bronco is in the realm of plausible.

Please tell me the 12V battery is not where I think it is?