If only we could get Hillary to plant some incriminating evidence on Big Oil’s computers, the world would be saved!
If only we could get Hillary to plant some incriminating evidence on Big Oil’s computers, the world would be saved!
Guy may have been having a bi-polar manic episode. Once new a guy who had an episode and went to go water the lawn at “his” multi-million dollar mansion on the lake, when cops arrived he attempted to walk on water because he claimed he was Jesus. He spent a month or so getting rehabilitated at the mental health…
Emotional Damage™!
Having only seen Counting Cars for the first time last December while at my Dads for Christmas, I can say without a doubt it is the worst car show. All fake melodrama as you mention in this article. Absolute trash.
Hydro is bad for fish. Just ask the PNW tribes and local sierra club office.
So mostly hydro. So they hate fish?
“doesn’t make Nazism socialist.”
What no political commentary about our Canadian trucking brethren descending upon Ottawa?
Intel already broke ground back in Sept 21 for two new fabs in Arizona too.
Along with the Chevy designers it appears Toyota has also found the “chamfer” option in autocad. Not as bad but still noticeable.
The batteries fight fire with fire.
I thought we where all supposed to be “sticking it to the man?” Is this not a prime example? Won’t someone think of the all the poor bankers this affects?
PAGING DAVID TRACY, PAGING DAVID TRACY. Mr. Tracy, you have a new “Holy Grail” minivan to purchase.
I’ve got an iPhone 6S and a free video editing app. Pretty sure that’s all Jalop needs. I’m $500hr and will only commute to NYC on a private jet when needed. Please call my agent.
When to we get to hear the f-bomb laden voicemails left on the suspects voicemail?
‘The “Silicon Heartland” really still resides in China,”
I’ve come to the conclusion that exotics are just like airplanes when it comes to documented maintenance. No perfect log of maintenance = no fly zone.
Neither of the Mercedes Classic Centers in the USA can get you K-jet parts?
Its news flavor.