Schrodinger's Fist

Lavar: “Good luck playing without a Ball UCLA! Heh! Look at that. Steve Alford liked my joke. Liked it so much he is crying and thanking Jesus.”

Malodorous Attitude Gets A couple of yokels fired.

Reese’s 2017 Pieces A Giant Bust


Elaine, I want you to note the date. December 3. That is when the Bills had no choice but to switch to the man who shares my name... and my love of throwing interceptions. For you see I learned to play football in Mongolia and there the goal wasn’t to hit the receiver with the pass, no the goal was to the hit the

Upon seeing Deadspin cover Kevin Durant’s YouTube leak, LeBron filled a sample cup so his agent could start marketing his future leaks as well.

A Power Wheels Jeep that Rex Ryan customized.

I covered Texas Tech football when Davis Webb played there and I think he will be a great coach and a good backup QB for that reason. I won’t say he can’t succeed as starter in NFL, but he is a good QB and to be a starter you need to be a great QB. No knock on him as a person or player as those are few and far

Or they agree to a trade in principal, but not official yet until everyone signs off. You see Jordan’s face as he finds out. Then Mark Cuban and the Mavs players lock the GM in his house until he rescinds the offer.

I think I see where he was going with this.* When the bands, the big rings and circles are out at sea one gets hurt. When the bands or circles are around a player’s neck Aqib Talib will grab them.

*Like Chuck Pagano I too jumped off my house today and hit my head something fierce, so the interpretation might be a

The fit between them is scary good. He doesn’t even have to be the centerpiece of University fundraising like he would in SEC, which was his biggest concern/dislike with those jobs. Plenty of famous alum right there in town who can pick up the slack on that front. More time for fundamentals like looking through

This season feels like the Short-term Employment Conference with all the turnover.

I too have a newsletter. I just repeat George Burnered Shaw’s
stuff, but with different graphics. You should look into it. Plus then it is TWO sources of the truth not just one.

That’s what I get for punning on the run. A missed joke and a “missed” joke for not seeing the ad.

I couldn’t use sound where I am at at the moment so I just imagined how the ad went.

They aren’t monsters. The people with hands up their asses for 30+ years though...

Exactly. I can’t even be smug with “I saw this coming” on this one as my least political friends commented that he would lash out if they all weren’t groveling at his feet.

Typical positive update: Return date set or huge improvement in injury.

I keep picturing Vince McMahon wanting to sue both sides for stealing his XFL 2017 script. Jerry just changed the showdown being Commissioner McMahon and him having a “Brawl in the Hall” (using famous player busts in Canton to beat each other bloody) to sniping at Goodell through the media until they have a court

I know right. When I was a kid and we had to fill out the “I think X will happen in X years” I put it would be Arby’s and home laser light rock show distributors who would be leading the fight against them.