Schrodinger's Fist

Even seeing the word Chargers multiple times in the article and comments I still thought “Why are they bringing up the Clippers here?” when you put LAC. Dean Spanos ladies and gentlemen!

#Sandiegostate - no more NCAA.

He said in a meeting he would kill this season and he has shown sociopathic tenacity in doing so.

Baccellieri’s alliterative headline brilliant, but bumped Beverly to body of article.

The World Wide Leader  Press Release Repeater has a fun Cashman-esque take on it. “We did it for his own good... I mean they did it.” 

Rick Pitino was having sex with the broadcast board operator so for 15 seconds they were pressing random buttons.

No you’re the math-lete!

No you’re the math-lete!

I would say one that I can’t see him pulling off at an elite level is pole vault. I have no doubt he could pull off vaulting, but I did track through college and even the best athletes couldn’t get the hang of that. It wasn’t so much athleticism as something innate that pole vaulters had and the rest of us didn’t.

Which is why we used human analogues.*

*Player’s humanity was negotiated down to human-like analogues in last collective bargaining agreement.

I dis-invite that disrespectful son of a Chubb from visiting the white house on the corner across the street from me! But he can still visit my house where we can chat about things like adults. Message sent America.

Me too!!!!!!

Spoiler. They are.

Stay safe my friend. And if you happen to shoot a video of that safely let me know! :P

It was that plus the really high speed speeding ticket on tape. Each one alone you wouldn’t get a suspension, probably, but I think a couple of games for the whole “pattern of misbehavior” (likely reduced to one on appeal) would have been perfectly fine. I don’t have it out for him nor want to see him sainted and that

I read it at about the same age and have a good memory for books, but I forgot about the scene until I reread it years later. I forgot not because I found it gross or conversely was ok with it, but because as you mentioned it just didn’t fit at all. It was like a chapter from another book got dropped in there.

I expected the NFL to screw this up, as they seem to manage to do on every case, but still mind boggling they eschewed suspension on the things they literally had on tape for the one that 90% of people said was sketchy.

It would be like Eliot Ness having Capone dead to rights on tax fraud, but refusing to try him on

Crowd noise noise noise
Hut 1 2 1 2 3 4
Crowd noise noise noise
Smokin Pats, smokin Pats
Doin’ dinks, dunkin here
Dinkin here, here and here
Rollin’ out, shovel pass, smokin Pats
Who smokes the Pats? We smoke the Pats
Rollin’ out, two deep shots and smokin Pats

A month later...