So I looked it up and one thing stands out in this.
So I looked it up and one thing stands out in this.
The Bauer mask makes it for me.
I am awaiting the Sean Spicer “Actually, the courts ruled this was the most legal act in history” spin.
This is one of those as a coach you have to go nuts if it is a suspension based off skipping class or breaking curfew because you picked NOW to pull a silly stunt?
Everyone is getting horny. Went to Pornhub and it was nothing but highlight clips, interviews and one video that wouldn’t load entitled “Extreme Kpasssagnon!!!” that is now the goal of everyone to see even if it falls way short of expectations because the unseen video is the holy grail scene... probably. A message…
“Who thinks my housing plan is a good idea? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?”
Edited and you are correct. I pictured Stein, voice and all, but the Trump association was much more Stiller level. Yeah. That’s the ticket. :P
Ben Stein: Ok class let’s reveal who we voted for. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
*red lights and alarms begin flashing at The Blaze HQ*
Glen Beck: “White boards, baseless accusations, surreptitious work... he’s onto us!”
Cарказм для сарказма. Cпасибо товарищ!
“Every lawyer in the entire universe says that the only trust that is viable is the one the President can’t show the documentation on. I don’t see how saying the Jazz trust is a responsible trust is anything but a sad attempt at fake news by the bitter leftwing that controls Utah.” - Sean Spicer
British Curt Schilling: “Oh bloody sock, this is just embarrassing.”
Meanwhile back at Ringer Headquarters Bill Simmons slowly erases “The Brice is Right!” headline he hoped to post if his viral campaign ebbed. Or flowed. Or became a drip or flood or something.
She faced not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but at least six surgeries if it landed on her!
There is also the D) people who know it is fake, but a dig against the other party is worth sharing no matter how outlandish. And if some people believe it then good because THEY deserve all shame real and fake.
I live in Texas so it is a mountain lion or boar issue here. Once a week at least a student is taken and we have guns. Obama just kept us from having artillery, which as everyone knows is much needed in education.
They just ripped off the Gryzzl presentation for the Pawnee National Park land.
As a fan of a rival Big 12 school I am glad he is now quietly breaking the back of D-league dreams instead of my irrational ones.
The Schröders are my neighbors. Dennis was always coming over saying “Hey Mr. Schrödinger!” He was the one who opened the box.