
You thought it was Final Fantasy Tactics, but it was I, DioField!

These are the colors Zordon assigned them when he sent them out to fight Rita Repulsa.

So in this game you steal Cthulhu?

I don't think keeping the spoiler out of the title is too much to ask

I was just about to watch this tonight, so thanks for spoiling it I guess?  Do I have to stop looking at Kinja full stop until the season ends now??

Hey asshole.... SPOILERS!!!

I’m with you on this 100 percent. Absolutely did not expect to load up Kotaku and have this spoiled. In a show where the person’s identity is such a big deal, throwing that out there right off the bat is a but of a bummer. 

Soooo... are spoilers just a thing of the past now?  It was on LAST NIGHT... I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet :/  Not that this is a huge reveal this early in the contest, but pleeeaaase consider having a spoiler tag and hiding stuff so it doesn’t just show up in my rss feeds with all the spoilery info?  Please?

Okay, maybe don’t spoil the episode with the banner pic and headline? Especially for those of us who watch the show on Hulu the next day. I mean FFS, it was the first article on Kotaku this morning.

Bring back Tecmo Super Bowl you cowards!

How difficult would you say this is for a non-gamer? I’ve thought about picking it up to play with my GF, but she doesn’t game often, and tends to have a hard time playing games where she needs to move the right and left analog stick simultaneously to move+look around.