
Same! But replace binding of isaac with undermine for me (same genre after all).

If valve stopped updates tomorrow, I wouldnt be left with nothing. I’d still have a handheld PC that is open platform, that currently can play over 100 of my steam games perfectly, and can also do all the emulation jazz. The community can still provide updates at this point, ect.

This. I see my steam library as an investment at this point. I’ss great sony is starting to allow backwards compatibility with ps4 and ps5, but nintendo has never really allowed to much backwards compatibility (advanced to ds, or ds to 3ds, or gamecube to original wii is all). I dont want to pay another $20 to

Yeah, this bit really stuck out to me also. Like, I NEVER leave a game running ever. In the off chance I’m mid game I mad do that, but the results of turning monitors off and on haven’t always been ideal. I’ve never had more than one game running at a time. The thought of power going on and killing my save firmly

I’m so glad you are mostly praising the deck. It’s good to hear positive feedback on the thing.

This, the normal joy-con configuration KILLS my giant hands. I straight up dont play my switch undocked because of this. I’m really looking forward to the deck and its supposed better ergonomics. 

I had to struggle to not laugh out loud at this. Very true comment. Take a star!

And here I am thinking Zeta is my least favorite mecha anime. IMO, Kamille is the whiniest, dullest protagonist around (which is saying alot in Gundam). The treatment of women is pretty wild, and the story beats seem all over the map. Other Gundam shows drag here and there, but I legit hate Kamille.

Yeah, I always tell folks eneloops are amazing. I have some of each kind and usually prefer the pros in my controllers.

Dude, that sucks. I hate all that for you.

I was just talking about this, and Simone this morning. There is that tiny, nationalistic part of me that wanted to see her compete, and wants to see USA crush it at the Olympics; but my heart overwhelming pours out to Simone, and all of these athletes.

Article says its only for power weapons, so your standard run of the mill needler, AR, ect will still be there waiting.

Oh man, I loved 3. The weapon system was super broken to the point of easily becoming OP, and the game definitely felt more gears of war than dead space at that point (not scary when you can just mow everything down). They can always pull crap out of nowhere, but 3 did seem to wrap up alot of story. I definitely

Had to pull this up my phone just to reply. Google mayfly dolphin bar. I’ve had one for years. Literally a PC Wii sensor with built in Bluetooth. Allows 100% normal Wii movement on pc emulation

Atleast NinjaVanish has the decency to call someone by their pronouns. He isnt actively decrying the trans life, just simply saying he doesnt agree with it. He has the right to have an opinion. I think putting ketchup on eggs is “gross and wrong”, but I dont throw a fork at someone every time I see it in a dinner.

This guy gets it. I’d love to be able to easily sideload emulator on a ipad pro, but I also understand the truth that iOS is locked down, and is quite a lot more secure than competing operating systems. It is literally one of their selling points for years now. One of those “cant have your cake and eat it too”

Pretty sure Apple isnt in the business to simply “maintain the app store” though. They likely want to turn a profit, and make as much money as possible in the process. Its the same for literally any subscription service. You never hear someone say that office 365 is over priced because $99.99 is way more than it costs

Tons of folks on here are saying apple is monopolistic with their app store, but lets use this as another example:

Take an upvote sir/madam

To this day diet Sunkist is the best tasting, less diet tasting drink I've ever had. My normal is diet Pepsi tho