Foosa dee Cat

What the what? DA FAQ?????

Lots of sugar....and a flame.... =Xplosion = big boom= oh shit!!! Why? Because why the hell not.......

All things are relative And truthful. “from a certain point of view”

Not that ISIS....Archer is a ass but not that kind of ass..

Isis.. yup its the work of Isis... As if there isn’t enough killing for them.....


That’s what I also thought..its one of the obstacles for colonization.

Meanwhile at ISIS headquarters... Jihad try outs begin....

Pack it up she’s got a headache

Alright....standing down.....derection complete.

Da fuq?

Can’t argue that.

Time to chill out

Cut throat kills Ted......

Shake it off!

I thought it went from Category

I can haz One Internetz?

Stellar steam starship captains. That’s who...

Just cuz

Typical ISIS....let’s blow shit up! History be dammed...