Foosa dee Cat

So you served at McDonalds then.

Spanish Flu  FYI.

So were did you serve?

Look at the tens of thousands in the spike of suicides caused by the crisis, then come back here. Then feel free to come down that high horse you definitely don’t belong on. That misplaced sense of moral superiority doesn’t look good on you”

The crisis that originated where? the suicides caused by the fear of the Virus that came from where? I clam neither horse nor superiority.

Cities in China were under lockdown in November

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

36,000 DEAD as of many did the 2008 crisis kill?

The authoritarian gov as you put it has a major advantage in,

then More proof of GUILT..

The Chinese goverment, emphasis on goverment here. Should be paying reparations to the rest of the world for this.

Like this?

It’s the 1% ruling cast that doesn’t get infected. Of course every country is going to get infected. you want to weed out the undesirables or those who oppose your ideology. It could also be a test run for something bigger, using this to collect data and how governments and people react, disease vectors, patterns of


That is have the vaccine or the cure.

Right! Me this morning..

Oh Politicians.......

Ford RS200

I’d say get the 2020 CTR It’s a blast to drive, offers incredible performance and also can be a very comfortable and incredibly practical daily driver.