Foosa dee Cat

Vodka! I always knew it WAS good for you......

looks familiar......oh yea humanity!

The power of Taylor Swift. Flame ON!!!!

A wee little Honor Harrington on Spinx...

Beckinsale back

SWEET BABY JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely perfect...........

The ships in the honorverse are HUGE and they have no droids, bots, or anything of the sort onboard to assist....

If any series of books deserve to become the next big movie franchise. The entire honorverse does. Hands down....

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion

Reminds me of the armed hover sleds from akira.

How is this not perfect?????

Natalie Portman is Thor??? Sweet......

Moses Parting the red sea is some wicked shit

Take a Xanax and back off a bit to see the big picture...and whats up with CAPS?? taking this a little personally are we? hit a nerve did I? all of this shouting over a post of getting fucked by an iWatch? Sweet Jesus... and for the record Its a GEAR S! great now i’m Shouting...

“Android wearables market is fucked ;-)“ that one singular statement shows your bias and complete ignorance. The gear series runs Tizen and is no way related to Android.

Not Getting fucked at all by some company is better..But I prefer an attractive woman myself, but to each his or her own....

You are entitled to your opinion...and you are wrong...the gear s is a stand alone phone your precious apple watch is slaved to your precious i phone...

“Have you wondered what it’s like to get fucked by the Apple Watch?”

Work it girl . Own that shit..

Reaction after not seeing a Black Widow figure.....