Foosa dee Cat

Claudia Grant!!!

Thor Chris helmsworth would be Roy Fokker....absolutely!!!!!

I think you nailed it.. But he would make a good Kyron its the attitude but NOT in the look..

And we thought the x files would never return....everything comes round full circle...


I can totally see the first three episodes of robotech as a whole movie....

: )

Tachikoma is very happy....

There you go...sorry it took so long to respond had a work thing..

Its on Netflix, give it a try odds are you will enjoy it and will see some similarities with the X-files but as you keep watching you will be introduced to new worlds and very likable characters with their own story's and history. It also has a Humor to it that the X-files lacked

I can provide pictures

can you prove fringe ripped of the X-files?.....

Agreed I wish JMS would reboot B5.

I wouldn't say fringe is a rip off of x files I'd say its a spiritual successor. One could argue Agent Scully was a rip off of Agent Starling from silence of the lambs

I want to believe.. But.. I've been down this path before....

step away from the bird brains Pika. And open the door!!!

These two know the truth....

FUCKING BRILLANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x1 quadratrillion.

Ghost in the Shell VS Star trek? What the Frack is that ??? I love em both but Sweet baby Jesus

white out and rubber cement also failed in inducing simian visions in the picture............