Foosa dee Cat

Must make it.......till......3o. Cl. O. C kkkk

Nope dont see any monkey head... Even after sniffing some sharpies for good measure..

Base delta zero if memory serves...could be mistaken

proof! I had thought those crazy ass skys was a by product of sniffing white out and markers in my childhood. But no its as I remember them...

That right there is a subspecies of the famous Hoth Wampa..

So pretty looks like a juicy orange....

PURE EFFEN GOLD!!!!! as many stars in the universe to you!!!!! 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 x infinity squared times to the quatrillionth power !


I still Get misty when Roy Fokker Dies, it was a very tastefully and powerful scene, and when Claudia drops her pineapple salad runs to Roy...At my young age it made me realize how powerful relationships could be....

You have my FULL attention!!!

That was the plan of Leto's golden path.

With a John Travolta voice....."Aint it cool?"

tru dat.....tru dat.....

Does this classify as a first strike weapon from china?

Meanwhile in New Jersey........

Cant forget this bub!

You just made my day!!!!

Hey old man winter!

oh it's sooooo easy with chickadees!!!

NO NOT Entertained....