
I was thinking pretty much the exact same thing. Wonder what he makes of grand strategy games like EU and CK (which really deserve more of my time) :p

Ditto. I stood baffled when I saw my sister browsing the internet on her computer, watching Netflix on her tablet, while listening to music on her phone. R U JOKE?

Some 15-20 hours. I had a really hard time putting it down for any more than a few hours, too. It kept calling my name.

Very true. I only have an issue because this ignorance is used to sweep everything under the rug and discredit any legitimate concerns about privacy/security. I don't necessarily think people are "wrong" to be so ignorant or that you have to know about computer networks to enjoy the benefits of the internet (I work in

+1 for responding seriously. For the record, I was in fact trying to further your argument by being facetious. I'll respond seriously to your last bit, though. The reason the internet is treated so differently is because it involves technology that—despite having been around for a few decades now—people still have no

Yes, if you are concerned about security/privacy in the "age of information," you are nothing but a tin foil hatter. There's no way to be a legitimately concerned citizen in anyone's eyes who opposes your train of thought. You're simply paranoid.

Well, that is popular opinion after all (speaking about South Park). Security/privacy are buzz-words for "tin foil hatters" nowadays. You can't be concerned about either and expect to be taken seriously because "it doesn't matter," "you shouldn't be surprised in this day and age," etc.

I suppose it's just American culture. Many families eat it as their primary source of protein, so it becomes a staple of your meal, so to speak. At least if you grew up that way. I see your point, but it really is just a cultural thing.

Floored that some people are accustomed to eating meat, just like you are accustomed to not eating meat. Right.

That would require people to actually, ya know, read about and pay attention to what they're buying/participating in. The only reason people get upset about Early Access is because they don't realize or research enough that "playable" does not mean "fully fledged game with all features/mechanics in place."

Cautiously optimistic about the whole thing. I was put into a queue of 2 people this morning and got in, first try. My best friend was also put in a queue and got in first try, both of us are on Behemoth. I really don't think this will allow everyone to log in whenever they want, but at the same time they never

Referring to Diplo's music specifically. MAJOR LAZER BRO

It's nothing new, it's just been extremely popularized due mostly in part to a man by the name of Diplo who makes "electronic dance music" which I think is equally as atrocious as the twerking that surrounds it.

My radio station will never be changing from FlyLo FM. Unreleased FlyLo tracks with Niki Randa? HRRRRRRNG on top of new Captain Murphy, on top of unreleased FlyLo tracks, on top of exclusive Hudson Mohawke tracks...

I gave up having a TV in my room some years ago when I got my own computer (wanted wired connection/router in my room). I haven't missed it one bit. Looks like that won't be changing any time soon!

People on the Internet in general are not very "original" with their postings, comments, whatever you want to call it. Especially so with instant messaging most of the time, or better yet, texting. The reason for this is that people still seem to think that text-based communication calls for significantly less effort

I'm swooning. I think I'll crack open the book and start chipping away at it again. I'm about 400 pages in but it's been awhile since I read it at all. Luckily it's sitting right next to me here at work!

I never played the original APB as it was subscription-based and I didn't have the means to, but as soon as it was rebooted as APB: Reloaded, I played religiously. The customization in the game was amazing, and even the combat honestly. It was very fun and engaging for awhile until it was absolutely overcome with

Completely not related to this article but do you actually listen to The Dead Texan? If not, what an awesome coincidence and +1 for naming yourself after an amazing music project (that I wish would come back) c:

I seriously can't stop thinking this. I've been following these little updates and I'm honestly pretty excited to pick X/Y up (still not decided which one). The last Pokemon title I played was Diamond, and I thoroughly enjoyed that as well. I've played Pokemon since the first generation, too, so it's not like the