
So absolutely no mention of how fast the windspeed actually was in the article? Thanks! I love it when there’s some vague and confusingly designed graph that, presumably, shows the windspeed in there somewhere.

I’m just here to say how shocked I am that anyone still watches this show.

Wow, you’re really extra butthurt over vape pens, huh?

I give less of a shit about them stealing tech from Apple, I give more of a shit about possible backdoors into my system, possible theft of personal and financial information, and, if the company feels like it, any other number of things Huawei could do to my machine if they wanted to.

I second the Z8 but there’s no way in hell he should pay that much for one with that many miles on it.

This one with 56,500 miles on it went on BAT for $126,000 a week ago:

“ROW Cruiser isn’t a luxury truck”

I’m aware of that, you dense fuckwit. That’s why I made it clear that what I was driving was a luxury truck.

“They’re actually used as farm beaters, etc”

See above comment. 

“I’m not paying more to have 700 pounds added to a sports car.”

The e46 convertible vs coupe weighs shy of 400lbs

“severe duty”

Do you even English, bro? I’m not taking my $62k truck on the alpine loop or anything (and, even if I did, they’ve smoothed it out somewhat) I’ve got a Rzr for that.

“There’s a reason all the ROW Land Cruisers that are actually used for their intended purpose have metal roofs.”

It’s a luxury truck, not a

Much wider deployments of charging stations and a standardized charging format.



The Alabama Summer makes cooled leather seats a necessity.  I don’t do cloth seats and, without cooling, I wind up with a sweaty back and butt in the summer.

We don’t have tags for individual deer. I can shoot a buck and a doe a day all season, the only limitation is 4 bucks per year.  Hunting on private land, I could shoot a doe a day, every day, for the entire season (though what one would do with that much meat I have no idea.)

At no point did I assert that I was a genius. You have a shit poor ability to read words.

If I was spending anywhere close to that kind of money, which I’m not, I’d be buying the most cherry mkiv I could afford.

Oh no, Mummy, someone on the internet called me a jackass!  Get fucked.

I am a generous and benevolent god, and will continue to try and raise you to the level that would allow you to understand me.

Yes, but between a buck with a small rack who could get bigger in another year and a buck that’s already larger, I’ll take the larger buck/buck with the larger rack.

Uh, I hunt for meat, too, but I’m not going to kill something like a cowhorn spike unless it’s the end of the season and I haven’t gotten anything.  I don’t just shoot anything that walks in front of me because it could be meat in my freezer.

Holy shit, I’m surrounded by stupid.

Also, it’s an absolute fact that cars with aftermarket bags are owned exclusively by trash. Not only is this car not very good looking, they did nothing to the engine. They added the equivalent of the Toyota Celica Action Package (Looks fast!)