
"Qwikster"? Are they TRYING to kill their DVD rental service?

Yeah. I've had accusations of "verbal bullying" and "mental bullying" used to justify beatdowns by students twice the size of their "bullies". But call someone a bully in any context and you win.

The Italian romantic in me looks at that shot and thinks "There is nothing more beautiful than a woman eating". Then I walk past my local bistro and realize I am wrong. Still, Nancy is gorgeous.

Killing the [creepy, obsessive] messenger! That always works, right?

You go that! Fraud committed against those trying to defraud their local governments of import fees? Two wrongs do not make a right, but this is nevertheless totally pathetic.

Whenever I see this kind of tightly cropped shots of breasts that look like a disembodied torso, my first thought is "wannabe serial killer." Then I think "breast cancer awareness". Uh-huh.

Just read all the comments and, as many have said, this is not slut-shaming. I actually suspect for a young lady with the correct...uh...physique, this might be a good gig. I hear the tips can be great and, unlike most restaurants, I assume there's some sort of written policy to deal with "hands-y" customers.

This is hardy news. I think most companies value a $1.34 bag of chips more than their employees. Especially if they're BBQ flavor (chips, not employees).

Someone should introduce her to the Taco Bell handcuff guy. Something tells me they'd click.

As long as he knows he's your husband, I think you're good to go.

I didn't grow up to be a disco dancing waitress superhero.

Sort of. My son's favorite sweater at the time was bright pink, just like Mumfie. Now he likes Michael Bey's oeuvre. Bad idea to draw ANY conclusions about a child based on his/her fashion sense at 5.

So difficult for me as an atheist. I am certain there is no heaven. But I dearly hope that hell exists just for people like Holley and his co-fanatics.


No, no. You're missing the point. Billionaires NEVER commit murder. It's a known fact among upper echelons of prosecutors and police forces.

Of course! Street, satellite or map view?

That's why I keep my notes in this cool thing called "dropbox",,,

Much as I'd like to do this electronically, the best solution for me is still pencil & paper followed by transcription into a word document (with the occasional scanned image inserted to make me feel like I'm living in the 21st century).

No, I'm sure there are many! She just seems to prefer those less blond, pretty, successful, etc. as her targets. To me, she basically comes off as a classic mean girl. I know many love her, including some of my nearest and dearest. But I am not one of her fans (to be read in a Cristina Crawford voice).

Bibimbap! Damn, do I miss California...