Same story, just fewer men dressed as horses...
Same story, just fewer men dressed as horses...
Don't know—I'm awfully fond of my nieces-by-marriage even though my ex-wife and I hate each other with heat of a thousand sons. I would do a lot to keep either girl's struggling-yet-quirky scifi show on my network if I were a megalomaniacal media billionaire. Especially if it starred John Noble.
Almost like having Rupert Murdoch's niece as a lead made some difference to Fox... (Too bad Nathan Fillion isn't Murdoch's youthful ward).
How many of these movies were made by an Oscar-winning star AFTER she has won Best Actress. When said actress was at the peak of her power, bankability and...uh...assets. I think that is the best indicator of who should ultimately 'win' this contest.
Player. Astronomer. I always get those two confused.
Aaannnddd...he's the kid who says "Huh huh huh. He said 'Your Anus'."
I'm pretty sure this is a flat, not a free-standing home.
Sorry, I literally cannot tell what information you are trying to convey. I do apologize if English is not your first language, I know that it's rude to mock ESL writers. I think you have a point you want me to respond to, I just don't get it.
I'm deeply moved by the incoherence of your post. Try making an outline of your thoughts first, then state your "case".
No, but all of our readers know everything about SOPA/PIPA. We haven't gotten any new readers in months and those who already read us have absorb every article we publish word-for-word. So why bother even acknowledging a huge protest? It would totally insulting to our readers if we do. Now, on to the 10 best kitten…
I was actually thinking of the full body shot of Jabba.
Yeah, I'm all for re-mastering, CGI cleanup, etc. The "new" TOS episodes are awesome and I'm looking forward to the revived TNG. But that's not the same as inserting characters, adding scenes, changing who shot first, etc.
He seems to be whinging about the fan(boy) response to the re-re-re-re-cut versions of the original trilogy.
I call shenanigans (or other fertilizer).
I've got actual tears in my eyes. That was wonderful.
Yeah, but it's coming...I know it's coming with a vengeance.
avoid...areas that are unsafe or subject to harsh temperatures