
Actually, a litttttllle higher would totally impress her. It worked great in The Sun Also Rises, right?

"Todd and I agreed that 3 goats was plenty for you, given your advanced age"

Perhaps the ever-concise Randall Monroe can help clarify things (alt text: "It was their main recruiting poster, hung nearly ten feet up a wall! This means the hackers have LADDER technology! Are we headed for a future where everyone has to pay $50 for one of those locked plexiglass poster covers? More after the break

Maybe I'm spending too much time with the Skepchicks, but I wonder if this isn't just fan service []

It helps with the teleportation. Also, salted peanuts.

What? Chelsea Handler makes fun of a non-Aryan and people get upset? Wake me up when she does something really shocking, like say something that's actually funny.

Agreed! Rickman is a brilliant actor who is gripping in anything he does. Well, he was an actor, once damn it. Now look at him. Look at him!

Actually switched to San Francisco-based GreenCine. Awesome eclectic (and mainstream) selection!

I have a suspicion that large glasses of wine and lots of bitching about banks and attorneys were involved in this project. Definitely see the inner artist shining through...

Oh, you know. He insists on talking to all sides in the conflict and trying to work through negotiations. That kind of problem. Plus, his middle name is Hussein. And he's a Muslim. Born in Palestine.

I know! She can be incoherent and rambling, but every third word is either "God" or "Jesus". I call shenanigans on anyone believing she's Jewish (except Jews for Jesus, of course).

Why does The Guild suddenly come to mind?

And plus one to you, sir/madam for icon choice...

Is it just me, or is the one on the left channeling Richard Dawkins?

This is perfect!*

Sorry Jim, but the only way that would be funny is if you recorded in Emma's house. Otherwise, it's just pathetic...

Okay, okay. Deep cleansing breaths. John Noble will save us, He will save us all!

Just re-watched The Craft last night and was struck again by lack of dickishness of the central dad. Sure, the trailer trash stepdad is kind of a douche, but not really that bad and he dies almost as soon as he's introduced. I always felt like there was a missing plotline involving Sarah's dad.

I am sorry. I didn't mean to be dismissive or insulting. My (poorly stated) point was that this is a known issue and that states and adoption agencies worth their salt should be ready to help parents understand, cope and find resources. In fairness, I meant tons of online and social-media type resources. I know

Yeah, the difference in what the English and Americans mean when they say "Asian" has always startled me. I grew up with "Asian" (or "Oriental" if you were my grandparents) meaning anyone from the other side of the Middle East, including the Indian sub continent. I do wish Americans embraced this broader meaning OR