
Hey! A picture of MR. Coco Austen!

Excellent! Will register the BabyRain Diet© today. No, wait. That sounds like a menstrual product...

Ewww. "Cholera Crystals" just sprung into my mind...

Cheap food IS crap food. The easiest things to eat are prepared foods: no need for an oven or refrigerator, no time spent making meals and really low cost. Fast food menus are rife with $1 (or less) foods which probably represent the lowest price/calorie ratio this side of a stick of butter. Vegetables aren't as

Didn't Red Dwarf end with that exact crossover? I seem to recall the crew meeting Craig Charles on the set of his current show...


All I know is that it looks like Marcus Bachmann's got a new client. Fabulous!

I dunno. He looks like his cape may have been riding up before this shot...

I am an avid Atheist and Skeptic who is also a parent. With these bona fides in hand, let me say I can see NO WAY in which your statement makes rational sense. Yes, church attendance is a route to infection with the "god meme", but it's not 100% infectious AND it's not nearly as directly damaging as this kind of

Benchley loved the sea and all things oceanic. He came to bitterly regret the impact of writing Jaws on people's relationship to sharks and spent considerable time and money trying to put that toothpaste back in the tube.

Well this would be back in...let's see...I guess the mid-70s, so I assume that the patina of equality and a sprinkling of lawsuits have been applied to the public schools there as they have everywhere else. But the underlying spirit? Devotion and intolerance often go hand-in-hand...

Not news that there is another Olsen sister: LAPD Discovers Hidden Deformed Olsen Triplet []

The wily and elusive wild lutefisk, captured at last!

There is a distinction between Mormon and heathen made by many of the devout in Utah. I had a friend who lived there for several years during childhood. Every year in public school, the non-Mormon children were asked to raise their hands, then were seated in the back of the classroom and basically ignored for the

Naw, that's like confusing stripping with prostitution. Being the equivalent of a cocktail waitress at a hamburger joint does not mean you're putting up with this sort of sh*t from your boss...

He's not just a pervert—he owns the company. And by inference, anyone who works for that company. Seriously, I've been involved with more than one small company where "My Company"="My Chattel".

Actually, it seems most Jezzies paid attention in English class and understand that "Ironic" is not a synonym for "Funny". Or they're big Alanis Morissette fans. Either way, I am relieved.

Maybe it will be a loving, consensual relationship?

Yeah, I felt slightly bad 'bout that, but couldn't pass up the opening. This is why I don't get invited to a lot of dinner parties...