Well, it sounds like he'll be getting a chance to have his own black boyfriend, so at least irony is being served...
Well, it sounds like he'll be getting a chance to have his own black boyfriend, so at least irony is being served...
Thanks for the correction! I was about to post the same, standing up for the relative sanity of Minneapolis.
A teacher being pedantic? How could I have fallen into that trap? :~)
Yeah, I knew that this would get the whole animation vs. cartoon thing stirred up. My point (and I do have one) is that NO art form is intrinsically worthless Or worthwhile. Content matters, yes?
Nope. She has been playing fast and loose with the facts around this case for decades. Friends and family members of the boyfriend have called her a liar on multiple occasions. She has used this tragedy like she uses all tragedy: as a springboard for her own ambition. She is human. A terrible, terrible, terrible human.
Clitoris size and anal receptivity? Why do I doubt that will turn up anything worth publishing (at least in a scientific journal)?
I wonder what the warranty period is on "angel protection"? I'd guess less than 10 years...
Yes, yes. But can ANY of them actually cook? Or is that asking too much from an aspiring restaurateur?
Honestly! Does EVERYTHING have to get the Michael Bay treatment?
Yeah, but that was then, this is now, that was Canada, this is the USA, they've got maple leaves, we've got automatic weapons. Homolka was also convicted of a crime and served time. I also don't remember anyone getting beaten because she LOOKED like Homolka. Finally, we live in desperate times and people are hopeless,…
Pot bellied guys in shades, hats and matching outfits holding electronics at crotch level. Not creepy at all. }}shiver{{
I hate to say it, but in this age of social media, 24 hours news, citizen journalism, etc. there is no place for her to hide. Someone will find her and someone will kill her. And the world may call it "justice". *sigh*
It's Florida—just put her into the foster kid program and she'll disappear, only to turn up dead three years later...
I know what you mean. But there is a gradient from the Great Pyramids to Auschwitz. Myself, I am not comfortable drawing that line where simple tourism ends and memorial should begin. But my own bias is that Nature is more interesting than anything man made, so it's easy for me to say "a pox on all your tourism". But…
Just glad your homemade abacus is internet enabled...
Hey, as long as the tears and pain of long-dead slaves are making something pretty, knock yourself out.
Can someone PLEASE explain the obsession of rich white American kids with African colonialism? I have sibs who were at Harvard and Dartmouth and attended parties on both campuses with blackface, faux Zulu, pith helmets and (of course) girls dressed as "Jungle babes". WTF?
Oh yeah, she and Nancy Grace were in an episode of SVU playing themselves (two former prosecutors) analyzing a case. Don't remember the exact episode. Probably that one where Eliot blows up at a suspect, Liv emotes all a victim, Fin is cooler than any man alive and Munch says something paranoid but true. You know the…