
I am not sure this is primarily about race, as much as it is about corporatist vs. non-corporatist. Progressives sees corporations as a tool, one that must be managed and mediated to get their benefits without letting them harm the body politic. Centrists see corporations as a necessary part of the system, one that

I very much approve of this post!

a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.

Based on these tweets,I think it’s reasonable to think she spports Omar and the position that it’s legitimate to criticize foreign policy as it pertains to U.S-Israel relations:

You’re right. That opinion is unpopular.

Is Peter Theil underwriting this one?

Now you see why the Obama Administration bailed out Wall Street and rich people instead of homeowners and the poor and middle class after the 2008 crash.   Establishment Dems can be bought.   Just like Republicans.  

Right you are. But my dad also got reassigned to new plant in another state thanks to the union. The commute sucked for 8 years, but then he got transferred back and thus never lost his benefits and was able to keep squirreling away cash in his PENSION.

The fact that he has 85 god damn million subs is appalling

So what? Unions don’t make it impossible to be laid off, but they’re there to fight bull shit like this.

Everyone needs to unionize. Everyone. Every single person needs to be in a union.

I’ve seen thicker skins on milk

Now playing

Counterpoint: Please do show it to Don Cherry, just so PK can clown on him all over again...

His brain would be put in so much conflict between his hate for minorities and his hate for Russians, he might get an aneurysm...

Sooooo we’re gonna give Riot a pass on how they treat female employees and support their game still? Cool

If they weren’t my friends, would they let me eat the leftovers from the buffet table at the end of my shift? Didn’t think so, libtard!

That, but most terribly of all: the underclass that has had all of their class consciousness brainwashed out of them. I work in a country club and my co workers think the bougie slob patrons are their actual friends, No! These people are your class enemy dummy. 

The rug is nice.

I find it odd that the Replublican corollary to Godwin's Law is that the longer they speak the more likely they are to invoke "Clinton". I guess that's the new Hitler since Nazis are okay now.