
Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

Heads up Luke, HamNo’s at your PC again

Really the whole thing is highway robbery, with the Bain Capital crew fucking over everyone else.

So, you’re saying we should BUY?!

I love when a politician goes around supporting all the things they should’ve supported back when they were in office. How easy it is to grow a spine once it becomes someone else’s problem.


I was thinking it was Pareene at first before I remembered Univision shipped him out on an ice flow. :(

Oh, Hamilton you scamp! You’re not fooling anyone here.

First they need to apologize for what they did to pizza.

It’s literally whatever piece of animated flesh the Democrats run against Trump for me.

It’s Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders or Giant Meteor for me.

I’m baffled by Joe Biden’s popularity among the left - he is and has always been a garbage politician

I too am a fellow fit person. I fit into 2xl shirts, husky pants, size 48 jackets, most barrels...

Yeah, that was bad. Sorry bout that.

Ah, the if they criticize me they’re just after your clicks defense! Honestly this guy just seems absolutely scummy and untrustworthy with his defense. I would have respected his plagiarizing ass a lot more ( more than the none, currently) if he had just 100% admitted to it. That wouldn’t absolve him from guilt or

There’s no evidence that she’s a good person, but I’d be happier to know that the indications that they hate each other are on the mark.  Would be amazing if she were to testify against him.  Even if if it’s just for her own benefit, or out of spite.  

Id wager shes exactly who she appears to be. A rich, miserable, colluder who doesnt give a sh!t about anyone outside her inner circle.

Fuller stands