Counterpoint: dude really is one helluva fucking doodoo head though.
Counterpoint: dude really is one helluva fucking doodoo head though.
Fool! Do you understand nothing? It is carefully plotted centrism that is certain to be inoffensive to corporate donors that almost won us an election against the absolutely easiest-to-defeat-ever opponent. Now is not the time to reconsider any of that. Double down, dammit. Double down!
White House has a fast turnover these days. I bet she could find a position there pretty soon.
No, because he’s a racist, braindead vapid fuck who is about as entertaining as a bout of colo-rectal cancer and another sign that we indeed live in the worst possible timeline.
The Oshawa plant closure, but only because I was born and raised in that festering shithole of a town. The worst thing GM could have ever done is made me feel bad for hating on it. Fuckers.
from now on > moving forwards
Sorry, hard to muster any real sympathy for Tesla-owning motherfuckers taking up prime parking space. I’m team redneck-in-trucks on this one, much to even my own disgust.
What, this feminist statement with powerful sexy dancing cartoon girls DOESN’T go a long way towards making amends in your books? Yeeesh. There’s no pleasing some people.
You shitting me? Assuming that he likes beer, this kid is one sexual assault away from a future SCotUS appointment.
Spoiler alert: it ended poorly for him.
Great headline. Up until this point, I was entirely unaware that there were laws that applied to immigrants on the supreme court.
Well big fat goodie gumdrops. No doubt some bullshit rightwing “media” outlet of soulless grifters will snatch him up after he becomes a brief cause celebre for mouth breathing dumbfucks. He’ll no doubt end up with a pay raise and adoring fans that can use him as the poster child for how evil and unfair the mainstream…
“One of my female friends quips that I should get some kind of public recognition as a #MeToo pioneer. There are lots of guys more hated than me now. But I was the guy everyone hated first.”
Yeah, but no. The Liberals in Canada haven’t moved jack diddley fuck to the left. In fact, over the past decade or two everything has quietly slid rightwards in Canada as well. And now that the Conservatives are squabbling, the liberals are gonna throw even more neo into their liberalism, happily building pipelines…
Ahhhh yes. Those hard, factual “proven” laws of business and economics. Little-to-none of the hard factual logic of mathematics, but plenty of magical thinking that is bought into far and wide. Like science. ...but not.
Nice try, but you lost me at the third sentence:
First they came for the “mind your own business” shitheads, and I did nothing. For I, too, am an asshole.
“But back in the 1990s, before social media and shitposting”
Welcome back! You fucking rock, Fahey!
“What, me date one of those amoral, repellent, selfish, mouth-breathing douchebags? You nuts?”